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Release Dates

09/24/01 Konami
09/27/01 Konami
11/23/01 Konami

Community Stats

Owners: 256
Favorite: 39
Tracked: 3
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

1,000,000 Units
As of: October 2001

Opinion (23)

vodkasosa1000 posted 31/01/2016, 11:35
@nightengalelame This sales are undertracked
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nightengalelame posted 04/01/2016, 01:32
Sometimes the REAL treasure is hidden from the mass.
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StreaK posted 21/11/2015, 05:05
Probably somewhere in my top 10 list of greatest games ever made along with The Last of Us, FFX, FFVII, FFVIII, Shadow of the Colossus, etc.
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DarkFury posted 13/01/2014, 10:40
One of my all-time favourite games. And clearly under-tracked.
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vodkasosa1000 posted 27/05/2013, 06:21
definitly undertracked
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vodkasosa9000 posted 24/11/2012, 12:41
how can the sales of this game be lower then the sales of dead space ??
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