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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names



Nintendo EAD



Release Dates

04/27/08 Nintendo
04/10/08 Nintendo
04/11/08 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 1,825
Favorite: 107
Tracked: 15
Wishlist: 5
Now Playing: 55

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

37,380,000 Units
As of: September 30th, 2020

Opinion (788)

Maluigi posted 03/11/2019, 01:01
Maybe it will reach 38m?
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atma998 posted 17/08/2016, 05:38
Now at 35.81M, won't be surprised to see it reach 36M at some point.
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Junkrixx posted 27/03/2016, 06:19
73K this year at the 12/03 ! Not Bad!
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Junkrixx posted 07/02/2016, 09:00
And now 93th! Wow!
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PAOerfulone posted 05/02/2016, 08:14
This game is the video game form of Old Man Riverwalk. It just keeps on going and going and going.
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Junkrixx posted 03/02/2016, 04:01
For the moment Mario Kart Wii is 94th of the year! OMG!

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