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Alternative Names

XIII: Daitouryou o Koroshita Otoko


Ubisoft Paris



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Release Dates

11/18/03 Ubisoft
08/05/04 Marvelous Interactive
11/28/03 Ubisoft

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Thirteen! the Half life clone.

15th Nov 2009 | 1,719 views 


User Score

Presentation - 10
Gameplay - 8.5
Value - 8.0
I love this game. It is not perfect by any means, but it has a great story, and nice fluid gameplay, a great pacing, and plays a lot like half life.

Thirteen is a first person shooter done in cell shading. The Story is about thirteen who is washed up on a beach and does not remember anything that has happened to him. Then the government thinks that he killed the president of the United States, and guys come to kill him and the story just gets better. The Gameplay plays out a lot like Half life. You run and shoot and kill bad guys, crawl through vents, solve simple puzzles, zip line, and use stealth. So there is a varity of different things you will be doing instead of mowing done bad guys, which you also do. Now to start off I'd like to say that this game is pretty hard on normal and hard. In fact it's normal is more like a regular games normal. And it's not hard because the AI is so good, no the fact is that some of the NPC's have this amazing ablity to hit you with there gunfire, so I recomend that you play it on easy, which plays like half life on normal. Now the AI is not the greatest you are going to see, but it is by far not the worst you are going to see. The AI is pretty average, it's just the cheep shots that can really do you in. Now the graphics in this game are great. The graphic novel or comic cell shade style looks amazing in this game. This game still looks good even today. The weopons in this game are pretty varied. You got shotguns, simi automatics, pistals, throwing knifes, crossbow, sniper rifle, buckshot hunting rifle, chairs, and many more. The bad thing is when you complete a chapter or segment of the game you don't keep the guns that you had before. The voice acting is for the most part pretty well done. The sound of the guns are pretty average. Now I must say that I love this game. I am very sad that people did not buy it, so me and the other fans of this game will not get the sequel that was originally suppose to come out for it. But the price on this game has gone down quite a bit, so you could find it between 5 and 20 dollars. I recomend this title for anyone who is a fan of half life style FPSers and anyone that wants a great story out of there game. Depending on your skill you can beat this game between 6 to 15 hours. The mutiplayer is awesome, however I will not talk about it because no one gets on the server anymore.

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Opinion (2)

dobby985 posted 03/12/2009, 03:09
this game brings back memories
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JOKA_ posted 11/06/2008, 07:24
I got this game for free when i bought Splinter Cell...I played it once
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