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Alternative Names



Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo



Release Dates

10/19/04 Konami
11/03/04 Konami
02/25/05 Konami

Community Stats

Owners: 15
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a guilty pleasure........ heh heh

05th Dec 2009 | 1,718 views 


User Score

Presentation - 6.0
Gameplay - 9.0
Value - 7.0
It is cheesy and corny as hell, but it is still challenging, fast paced and intense. what can I say? its contra.

ahh this is an interesting one. im not going to say it is a great game, but i will say it is fun as hell. what is this game all about? action, action, action and more action. what are the good aspects about it? gameplay, gameplay, gameplay and....... gameplay. anyway, the main thing i want to address is the voice acting and the story. the story is pretty basic and the plot twists are cheesy. the voice acting and dialogue are so cheesy and so terrible, that they are good in a way. i know that makes no sense but they really are funny. it lifts alot of the tension because you just have to laugh at the cutscenes. for example, at one part the 2 main characters are on top of a moving helicopter and manage not to fall off by running in place on the blades super fast. they stay like this for an entire half of a level even when the helicopter flips over for a second. they also they get shot out of an erupting volcano, ride on torpedoes like surf boards and get shot down to the battlefield inside of a missile from a satellite..... these guys put chuck norris to shame. its like the creators realize that no one is playing this game for the story, so they decide to make it cheesy and stupid and focus on the gameplay. its nice to see game designers with real focus. its a contra game so i assume you already know that it is ball-breakingly hard and you will die again and again and again, but i would still recommend it (if youre a man you can take it). dont bother renting it. its so cheap at stores you might as well purchase it. also in order to get your full use out of it, you will need to master the gameplay, so really you need to own it. a few more things, the graphics and music are pretty good. thats all. i give this game an 8 out of 10

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