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Ubisoft Montreal



Other Versions

All, PC, PS3, WiiU, X360, XOne

Release Dates

11/15/13 Ubisoft
02/22/14 Ubisoft
11/29/13 Ubisoft

Community Stats

Owners: 56
Favorite: 2
Tracked: 6
Wishlist: 1
Now Playing: 4

Avg Community Rating:


Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (PS4) > Opinions (11)

Slimebeast posted 29/01/2016, 10:42
I'm almost willing to agree with Mr Pug. Perhaps not as good as AC2, but very close.

I'm happy it's the best selling Assassin's Creed with over 13 million copies including sales on PC.
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Mr Puggsly posted 15/01/2016, 10:45
@asqarkabab - Actually, its arguably the best. Maybe you meant "best" but tapped the wrong keys.
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asqarkabab posted 11/07/2015, 01:09
Worst ac game
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Kerotan posted 26/02/2015, 03:33
Still the top selling next gen black flag version despite no bundle. Very impressive.
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Kerotan posted 10/11/2014, 10:15
i bought this on the EU store and i can see the ratings as a result. Over 107k people in the EU gave it a thumbs up so I reckon in the EU alone downloads must be around 250-300k. Prob because everyone got the killzone bundle and a lot then bought this on the psn store.

great game and just recently i got the platinum. the online is actually really good if people do the wolfpack properly. i'm now half way through the awelade dlc and i'm loving it too. hope they do an AC 2
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drakesfortune posted 27/03/2014, 03:36
Just finished this on PS4 and wow...what a great game. By far my favorite Assassin's Creed game. Also, it's just plain gorgeous on the PS4. Truly, it looks amazing for a game that is made for last gen and this gen systems. To think this is just the beginning of the gen and things already look this awesome. It runs smooth as butter too. Started Infamous now, and that looks even more amazing, and hey it's more Infamous, which is a great thing.
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WebMasterFlex posted 14/01/2014, 11:27
PS4 is more powerful than my PC. And upgrading my PC will be more expensive than a PS4.
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TrevDaRev posted 03/01/2014, 01:45
1 million. Quite a gap between this and XBone. Best AC since ACII.
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supernihilist posted 22/12/2013, 07:09
why didnt you buy the PC version? :P
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WebMasterFlex posted 11/12/2013, 03:56
Glorious 1080p for PS4's version only.
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SlayerRondo posted 16/11/2013, 02:14
This game looks really great on the PS4.

Glad I held out a couple of weeks to get it for the launch on PS4.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (11)

1 n/a 267,979 n/a 91,174 359,153
2 n/a 45,039 n/a 15,324 60,363
3 n/a 22,427 267,763 52,078 342,268
4 n/a 24,604 80,426 21,721 126,751
5 n/a 41,309 78,434 27,075 146,818
6 n/a 58,568 90,010 34,869 183,447
7 n/a 40,792 63,993 24,501 129,286
8 n/a 19,348 44,960 14,046 78,354
9 n/a 14,217 28,133 9,506 51,856
10 n/a 1,300 26,340 4,814 32,454
Slimebeast posted 29/01/2016, 10:42
I'm almost willing to agree with Mr Pug. Perhaps not as good as AC2, but very close.

I'm happy it's the best selling Assassin's Creed with over 13 million copies including sales on PC.
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Mr Puggsly posted 15/01/2016, 10:45
@asqarkabab - Actually, its arguably the best. Maybe you meant "best" but tapped the wrong keys.
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asqarkabab posted 11/07/2015, 01:09
Worst ac game
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Kerotan posted 26/02/2015, 03:33
Still the top selling next gen black flag version despite no bundle. Very impressive.
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Kerotan posted 10/11/2014, 10:15
i bought this on the EU store and i can see the ratings as a result. Over 107k people in the EU gave it a thumbs up so I reckon in the EU alone downloads must be around 250-300k. Prob because everyone got the killzone bundle and a lot then bought this on the psn store.

great game and just recently i got the platinum. the online is actually really good if people do the wolfpack properly. i'm now half way through the awelade dlc and i'm loving it too. hope they do an AC 2
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drakesfortune posted 27/03/2014, 03:36
Just finished this on PS4 and wow...what a great game. By far my favorite Assassin's Creed game. Also, it's just plain gorgeous on the PS4. Truly, it looks amazing for a game that is made for last gen and this gen systems. To think this is just the beginning of the gen and things already look this awesome. It runs smooth as butter too. Started Infamous now, and that looks even more amazing, and hey it's more Infamous, which is a great thing.
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