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Alternative Names

New スーパーマリオブラザーズ U


Nintendo EAD



Release Dates

11/18/12 Nintendo
12/08/12 Nintendo
11/30/12 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 122
Favorite: 9
Tracked: 10
Wishlist: 3
Now Playing: 9

Avg Community Rating:


New Super Mario Bros. U (WiiU) > Opinions (73)

fedfed posted 08/12/2016, 03:53
isn't this a selects in the USA? sales in 2016 are too low...
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oniyide posted 03/12/2016, 04:28
@boomoscone its still in print, people here just dont seem to give a damn
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b00moscone posted 11/10/2016, 07:38
The performance in USA is truly horrible. Is it out of print or something? The dropped support of a bundle wouldn't make the numbers fall this much
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Munchies posted 09/01/2016, 04:40
Nintendo is incredibly stupid. This could've sold much more!
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Shikamo posted 07/01/2016, 03:09
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Poliwrathlord posted 07/01/2016, 01:35
5M. for one of the best platformers in the past decade.
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b00moscone posted 06/01/2016, 06:35
5m! Congrats!
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tak13 posted 13/12/2015, 04:34
Easy explanation... The game has really low stock (In my country, we have no copies left, so I can't buy the game, sadly) and nintendo's undershipping it! I mean FY15Q2 shipments were just 10k.... And this game isn't the only victim of Nintendo's undershipping and underestimation ! Pikmin 3 and DKTF are too, I have seen many complaints from people because they can't or it's hard to find it and due to that their price has been inflated...

New super mario bros U also is fairly unappreciated, some people due to bad word of mouth by a loud minority have the misconception,that is not a good game, therefore they don't purchase it! This was wii u's launch game, in 2012, ergo it had a huge drawback of being in the period when wii u was in utter bad position before Mario kart 8 arrival... The game sold blazingly fast but then it plummeted it, mainly because is Nintendo's fault! They should at least bundle it again with super mario 3d world or with super mario maker!
It deserves more sales, at least surpassing super mario sunshine but given the situation, it's hard! I can see it becoming a Nintendo select shortly though! I can't fathom why Nintendo had stopped so early bundling the game... Super mario 3D world+ New super mario bros U is better than SM3W with Nintendo land!
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b00moscone posted 31/10/2015, 08:02
@t3mporary It most likely has most to do with the significant drop in sales in Japan. From 200k to about only 20k for 2/3 of the year.
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S.Peelman posted 30/10/2015, 12:30
Nintendo says 4.88m as of september 30.

Probably a bit overtracked then here on VGC considering digital. Quite the drop from the 32m of NSMBWii. Though a similar thing happened from the original SMB to SMB2.
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t3mporary_126 posted 08/10/2015, 05:34
are those 2015 sales really? Why did people stop buying this game suddenly?
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b00moscone posted 02/09/2015, 12:46
Still definitely has a chance of 5m

This holiday will probably help it get through a bulk of the 200k and then i twill leg it out next year to 5m
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garretslarrity posted 29/07/2015, 05:44
Nintendo has confirmed that New Super Mario Bros. U has sold (shipped + digital) 4.84M as of June 30, 2015.
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korn62586 posted 22/05/2015, 06:09
Anyone who thinks this is a weak Mario game, should go back and play it.
I was not too big on it at first either.
ive since gone back and played it.
its truly one of the best Mario games ever!!
1.Super Mario Bros.
2.Super Mario Galaxy 2
3.Super Mario Galaxy
4.Super Mario bros. 3
5.Super Mario World
6.New Super Mario bros. U
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Kuksenkov posted 14/01/2015, 06:05
@DarkRPGamer007 - This was bundled with the console for about a year.
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DarkRPGamer007 posted 24/12/2014, 04:27
This game shouldn't be up so high Mario Kart 8, Smash, 3D World, DKCTF, Pikmin 3, and WWHD are miles better and deserve more sales
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Clyde32 posted 15/12/2014, 06:18
2 Million in the US alone eh?
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gcube2000 posted 29/11/2014, 10:43
I hope it sells 5 million by March 31, 2015 (end of fiscal year)
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PikminDude123 posted 04/11/2014, 09:30
This game is just selling great. And its not even Bundle sales since a lot more people with choose the MK8 bundle.
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Darwinianevolution posted 20/07/2014, 03:09
Since when Super Mario Bros belongs to the action genre? Someone please change the genre to platformer.
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ExplodingBlock posted 11/07/2014, 02:23
4 of the top 5 best selling Wii U games are Mario games...
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RupeeHunter posted 18/06/2014, 04:10
This has an incredible attach rate! Rightly so, it is a good game.
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NintendoPie posted 06/06/2014, 05:27
Seems Mario Kart 8 helped it hit the 4 million mark early. Nice.
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ExplodingBlock posted 06/06/2014, 07:14
Scratch out what I said about this doing 4m by the end of 2014, I change it very early june
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NintendoPie posted 22/05/2014, 08:23
I don't see 10 Million as a possibility. The Wii U will be lucky to hit 20 Million total, this doing half of that? No.
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Nintentacle posted 20/05/2014, 03:55
These numbers make 10 million look like a possibility.
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S.Peelman posted 18/05/2014, 12:25
Is at 4.16m according to Nintendo (shipped+digital).
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Hibern81 posted 17/05/2014, 03:48
You think???
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ExplodingBlock posted 10/05/2014, 05:40
This will easily do 4m+ by the end of 2014
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ExplodingBlock posted 28/04/2014, 01:34
Does this include bundled copies?
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ExplodingBlock posted 28/04/2014, 01:34
Does this include bundled copies?
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Nintentacle posted 28/01/2014, 07:13
I wonder how long it will stay the best-selling 8th gen game for consoles.
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late_release posted 07/01/2014, 02:49
It's bundled, the reason it had legs
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Cheebee posted 05/01/2014, 12:44
10m+ lifetime seems like a given, at this point.
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Mandalore76 posted 03/01/2014, 04:20
Excellent and highly underrated game in my opinion. I just completed it 100%. It is very deserving of the continued sales.
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green_sky posted 03/01/2014, 02:40
Such an awesome game. Excellent legs.
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Anfebious posted 03/01/2014, 01:34
It's already at 3 million!
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gcube2000 posted 31/12/2013, 10:27
next weeks update should have it above 3 million
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anonymunchy posted 29/12/2013, 06:13
15th of December 2012 - 193,753
14th of December 2013 - 219,498

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AZWification posted 17/12/2013, 06:03
Best selling Wii U game at last.
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Pillow posted 15/12/2013, 09:02
this was the only system seller up until Super Mario 3D World... There is still hope for a brighter future ;)
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acdcste posted 05/12/2013, 11:41
Not that i'm complaining but pretty sure thats because its now being bundled pretty much everywhere.
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AZWification posted 03/12/2013, 08:29
80k this week... A monster of a game.
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TSNFLD posted 13/11/2013, 12:38
NSMBU sold 55k units this week thanks to a surge of support from Japan. Hopefully it will continue to sell well, as it was a fantastic game. Depending on how well the Wii U sells, NSMBU could hit 2.50m by the end of the year.
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curl-6 posted 23/08/2013, 11:10
The console's first non-bundled 2 million seller
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DevilRising posted 26/07/2013, 10:04
You can call it a "rehash" if you want to, but quite frankly, it has plenty of "new" content in it, especially with the heavy Mario World flavor, compared to many other third party franchises that rehash all the damn time. Mario games are always high quality and fun, at least.

Also, it's worth pointing out that this game's attach rate, at almost 2 million copies sold, compared to the system only selling around 3.4 or so million, is really damn good. So in THAT context, it's hardly a failure at all. The real problem, was Nintendo releasing NSMB2 on 3DS. They should have either released that sooner than they did, or waited till 2013 to release it, to give NSMBU space and make it seem more unique in the marketplace.
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AZWification posted 10/07/2013, 04:11
I don't think it was. This game is a rehash and Nintendo fans are not dumb enough to just blindly buy it just for this game. NSMBU is a great game, but not a system seller. Zelda U, Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros 4. THOSE are system sellers.
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oniyide posted 07/07/2013, 02:15
@AZWification but isnt that it though? wasnt the point of the game to make the WIi U relevant in the first place.
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Metroid33slayer posted 27/06/2013, 12:35
NSMBU is a decent enough single player game but nothing special however the game becomes a blast with 2 or more players. Bumping one another into enemies or accidently killing each other with a shell and those fail moments when you both bubble yourself are very funny.
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Thechalkblock posted 24/06/2013, 11:44
I can see Nintendo releasing more DLC--hopefully with a retail release again, and even more hopefully starring wario--down the line when there are more WIi U owners. That would really help promote this game in the future.
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AZWification posted 23/06/2013, 09:01
Just watch this game sell like hot cakes when the Wii U will become relevant again.
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Fusioncode posted 14/03/2013, 10:37
It's selling well but it's not the system seller that Nintendo thought it would have been. Nintendo should have prioritized a 3D Mario and then released this a few years into the console lifecycle. It would have been huge.
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curl-6 posted 12/03/2013, 01:49
Based on 2D Mario attach rates, i bet this will top 10 million before all is said and done
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Roar_Of_War posted 25/02/2013, 02:45
The attachment rate for this game to the Wii U is whats important to look at. The Wii U console is selling badly, which is also the only reason this game is selling badly in comparison to previous 2D Mario games. When the Wii U excels again, so will this game. That attachment ratio is very telling. The Wii U is partially selling badly due to terrible marketing as many people think "Wii U" is some sort of tablet for the regular Wii, rather than a whole new console. Nintendo must been kicking themselves for trying to be clever with the title "Wii U". Should have just named it "Wii 2". No one would misunderstand what the Wii U is then. The 3DS had a similar problem, with people thinking it was just another DS but with 3D. At least people knew the 3DS was an actual console, though.
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RaitheNoblesse posted 10/02/2013, 04:39
Zelda TP sold better... (but a 2D Mario should sell better.....)
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RaitheNoblesse posted 10/02/2013, 04:38
New Super Mario Bros. U and ZombiU are reasons to buy the WiiU .. , and the two games complement eachother very well..
(one is a happy cute 2D daytime game, the other a dark horror nighttime game)

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Olivernintentoal posted 15/01/2013, 02:26
Still need to buy this game...
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supermariodance posted 04/01/2013, 01:12
Calm down. I just wanted to point out that the european sales of every Mario game start worse then the japanease sales of every Mario and after 1 or 2 years the european sales catch up to the japanease sales.You should name dsangdhw213 an imbeccile because he posted something that has nothing to do with NSMBU.
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Metroid33slayer posted 02/01/2013, 03:34
supermariodance why have you typed lol for no apparent reason? What you wrote wasn't even remotely funny, you must be a complete imbeccile.
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supermariodance posted 22/12/2012, 01:01
Looks like the sales of NSMBU in Europe have to play catching up again with the sales of NSMBU in Japan. lol
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Paquito posted 15/12/2012, 12:43
Best 2D platform ever
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snowdog posted 07/12/2012, 03:39
@Kyuu: Not the only good game. ZombiU is the best retail game released so far and Trine 2 is the best eShop game released so far. And, surprisingly, both games are better examples of the functions of the GamePad than anything from Nintendo so far.
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OneTwoThree posted 06/12/2012, 11:43
Exactly, it's to be expected. Basically it's the system's pack-in game, only they didn't pack it in.
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Meret posted 05/12/2012, 08:05
@OneTwoThree :/ It's launch title for thw console w/400K userbase. Amazing sales, amazing attach rate. Til the end of the year it surely be multi-million seller.
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Wickedshyn posted 05/12/2012, 12:00
The attach rate is amazing on this game.
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OneTwoThree posted 03/12/2012, 11:57
Amazing sales? I don't know - normal I'd say
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Meret posted 02/12/2012, 01:02
amazing game, amazing sales!! It'll outsold NSMB2 i believe...
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Kai Master posted 01/12/2012, 12:22
Only 3 games have a good attach rate on North America launch : NSMBU, NL and Zombi, all others are under 20% attach rate which is the limit for what I call a hit, Blops 2 being just under the limit. So, 2 Nintendo games plus an exclusive, we have a podium. Zombi is great according to my brother, I think I'll buy NL on eShop to play with him and later NSMBU but not sure.
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Chris Hu posted 30/11/2012, 10:49
This will be the first million units seller for the Wii U followed by Nintendo Land shortly after that.
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NintendoPie posted 30/11/2012, 04:30
The attach rate of this game is absolutely amazing!
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painmaster212 posted 05/11/2012, 06:30
Preorders for this seems sort of low for a brand new mario game IMO,Maybe its cause of its a brand new system? Either way this game is gonna be a gem to play!
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Hibern81 posted 16/10/2012, 05:13
Can't wait to play it!!!
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ClaudeLv250 posted 24/06/2012, 08:01
I'm warming up to this game
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Shipping Total

5,820,000 Units
As of: March 31st, 2022

Opinion (73)

fedfed posted 08/12/2016, 03:53
isn't this a selects in the USA? sales in 2016 are too low...
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oniyide posted 03/12/2016, 04:28
@boomoscone its still in print, people here just dont seem to give a damn
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b00moscone posted 11/10/2016, 07:38
The performance in USA is truly horrible. Is it out of print or something? The dropped support of a bundle wouldn't make the numbers fall this much
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Munchies posted 09/01/2016, 04:40
Nintendo is incredibly stupid. This could've sold much more!
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Shikamo posted 07/01/2016, 03:09
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Poliwrathlord posted 07/01/2016, 01:35
5M. for one of the best platformers in the past decade.
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