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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

Ousama Monogatari



Cing Inc. / Town Factory



Other Versions


Release Dates

07/21/09 Xseed Games
09/03/09 Marvelous Interactive
04/24/09 Rising Star

Community Stats

Owners: 288
Favorite: 20
Tracked: 3
Wishlist: 5
Now Playing: 19

Avg Community Rating:


Little King's Story (Wii) > Opinions (260)

 1  2  3 
Gammalad posted 26/08/2014, 08:34
Probably in my top 5 favorite Wii games. I hope Marvelous AQL does something with this IP one day.
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ROFLMAO posted 01/07/2012, 04:41
Very reminiscent of my favourite game, Pikmin, with a mixture of other fantastic things in there too. It is one of the best original games on Wii, very sad that it didn't get more sales.
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ROFLMAO posted 01/07/2012, 04:41
Very reminiscent of my favourite game, Pikmin, with a mixture of other fantastic things in there too. It is one of the best original games on Wii, very sad that it didn't get more sales.
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RedInker posted 09/05/2012, 02:55
An amazing game. I'm replaying it for the first time since it's release and it is filling me with joy again like it did on my first play through. Shame it's sales didn't reach the numbers it deserved.
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kingofbubba posted 30/06/2011, 05:46
It was pretty good. There were a few things that I wish were done differently, but over all it was fun and worth the playthrough
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Fededx posted 22/05/2011, 05:50
Well it seems it's still selling. I have to buy a copy!
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Vas-y posted 16/01/2011, 12:16
So xD... Just ignore my two 'Muramasa'. Anyway, this is one of my favourite Wii games :).
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Vas-y posted 16/01/2011, 12:15
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Vas-y posted 16/01/2011, 12:15
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Voltaire posted 17/12/2010, 06:00
This is one of the few games that i would actually consider a flop. Sure there was no advertising, and the art style contradicted the game mechanics, but this is one of my favorite games on Wii.
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Arfen posted 14/11/2010, 08:27
3,5K this week worldwide!! this game is amazing, deserves a lot of sales
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 14/11/2010, 09:34
sold 3k this week in USA!
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Baddman posted 22/05/2010, 03:44
this game is addictive!
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 30/04/2010, 11:15
is this their best selling game after Muramasa?

i still believe, the reason their games don't sell, is their awful marketing/promotion
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IxisNaugus posted 25/04/2010, 04:27
I feel so bad for Cing... this game is bloody amazing!
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Faxanadu posted 24/04/2010, 10:48
This proves Europe got taste
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burning_phoneix posted 21/04/2010, 10:09

Nintendo: Damn those 3rd party developers! Let's rape them and drive them to our competitors ensuring our eventual demise! MWHAHAHA!
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padel1 posted 16/04/2010, 10:56
u can find the parts for the flying machine in the lego island !
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 14/04/2010, 05:42
and the hopes of getting a sequel are dead : (

poor Cing
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Fededx posted 10/04/2010, 05:08
I finally found it! Getting my copy in a couple of weeks!!!
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Arfen posted 08/04/2010, 12:52
I'm sad for Cing, really love this game!!!

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Salnax posted 23/03/2010, 02:49
Nintendo could have done more in 2009, but at least they're helping the games of 2010.
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Mubtee posted 21/03/2010, 12:26
Here's the thing. I am starting to think Nintendo doesn't want 3rd party games to succeed on its system.
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Arfen posted 08/03/2010, 11:03
one game to remember, one of those games that definies a system.

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PeteyPeeps posted 08/03/2010, 11:51
Best Wii game ever! CING are going bankrupt, please buy this game!
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josewiisantos posted 24/02/2010, 05:52
i want this i need to buy this soon but they never have it on my gamestop.
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VivaLaWiida posted 31/01/2010, 11:26
Just got it. But it has to wait until I finish Final Fantasy X & Persona 4
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oni-link posted 26/01/2010, 08:52
Nintendo really needs to advertise these games on their Nintendo Channel for about a month. This, Muramasa, Boy and his Blob, Rune Factory: Frontier, and Cursed Mountain deserve better sales on the Wii!!!
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Fededx posted 23/01/2010, 01:53
Absolutely agree, this game is AWESOME and deserves MUCH better sales...
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 19/01/2010, 01:35
awesome game, same quality as Nintendo's Wii games
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huaxiong90 posted 15/01/2010, 10:59
This game deserves more. Legs should carry it, hopefully.
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menx64 posted 14/01/2010, 07:47
I just got it... Great game.
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stof posted 12/01/2010, 12:16
Perhaps they're not as upsetting as we thinkg Slimebeast. - Rising Star Games says it's still selling quite well in Europe.
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68soul posted 11/01/2010, 11:17
@ Diglet: the game was made by a very small team of dedicated people, so the budget may be very reasonable, with maybe many hours of (cheap) hard work, but no blockbuster budget and no additional promotion costs. It's hard to estimate, but with 200k sales so far, the game has roughly done 3 millions of profits: it should be "just" fine. But it's not enough for such a labour of love, that's for sure...
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Slimebeast posted 09/01/2010, 02:21
Wow the sales are... upsetting!

Sux that a nice, original game like this isn't successful.

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Diglet posted 09/01/2010, 02:57
Anyone think this game made a profit?
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Green Penguin posted 01/01/2010, 09:30
I want this but not now...

I am waiting for a price drop to $30/$20.
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noname2200 posted 30/12/2009, 05:28
You've made an excellent choice in picking it up.
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pmaster4 posted 30/12/2009, 03:46
i think i will pick it up, i was on the fence with muramasa and it turned out great hope the same for this game
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 13/12/2009, 05:08
they should promote this game on tv or smth before it's too late

IGN is not enough to make it sell
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Arfen posted 09/12/2009, 09:25
One of the best games of the year !!!
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kingwii posted 06/12/2009, 08:08
OMG, Second best game of year, after NSMB Wii... what a great game, excellent music... a must have...
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Fededx posted 27/11/2009, 02:29
Outstanding game...
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oni-link posted 20/11/2009, 08:34
Marvelous said it sold not shipped as 26k Japan, 37k in the USA, and 67K in Europe. Meaning this game still sold ~130K worldwide which is what the data suggest. This game really should sell well if they shipped enough units. When this game dropped to $30 at gamestop it sold out like it was black friday!!!
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rudyrsr8 posted 19/11/2009, 08:53
Yeah this is my game of the year, over NSMB.
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famousringo posted 19/11/2009, 08:26
@ noname, but it shipped 30k more in JP, so it's not so bad.
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noname2200 posted 19/11/2009, 05:57
Way overtracked in N.A., unfortunately: it only shipped 37,000 copies here.
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Arfen posted 13/11/2009, 06:54
I love this game!

A real gem, one of the best games of the year in any console
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Metallicube posted 08/11/2009, 10:36
Just got this game and it's pure excellence.. Just so fun and addictive. I love the idea of expanding and building your kingdom with a Pikmin style fighting system, and the sense of accomplishment the game gives you. It'd be a sin if this game can't break 500k.. but looks like it will eventually.
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oni-link posted 03/11/2009, 07:49
It really should be almost 200K if Japan knew how to pick good games!!!
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fairyliar posted 01/11/2009, 01:04
The game can be find for 30€ now and is better retailed than when it got released...It seems to have some legs, maybe will reach 200K
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oni-link posted 01/11/2009, 07:27
This game has sold 130K already!!! With it's new $40 price tag it should sell a few more!
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oni-link posted 01/11/2009, 07:20
Also, Wii owners especially the new gamers are the frugal kind in which they purchase a game only after their done/finished with their current one!
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primogen18 posted 28/10/2009, 03:46
Im with oni-onk, along with the fact alot of great games were never advertised so alot of people just don't know they exist.
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oni-link posted 27/10/2009, 04:38
woo hoooo it's 130k already 250k here we come!!!
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oni-link posted 23/10/2009, 08:41
boneitis I think the Wii's market is very diverse and confused at the moment. There's a lot of new gamers that want to buy new IP's but got shafted and cautious b/c of all the shovelware. I blame Nintendo for not regulating quality and I'm afraid it will bite them in the end w/ poor or fair 3rd party sales!!!
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oni-link posted 23/10/2009, 08:39
Seriously what is wrong with Japan and their choice of games. This game reminds me why I got into VG in the 1st place. 130k should break even for the developer and publisher for this game as it really could have been released as a WiiWare title also. I don't think it cost too much to develop this game but it sure is fun. Hopefully it could reach 250K sales lifetime as it really is a gem of a game!!!
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Boneitis posted 23/10/2009, 04:49
@ Voltaire
What is the Wii's market? Seems like every 3rd party game that isn't part of an already successful IP flops.
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Voltaire posted 12/10/2009, 02:33
Shame, with a sold marketing plan, this game could have really sold well to the Wiis market.
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rudyrsr8 posted 09/10/2009, 04:23
Well this is definitely my favorite game of this year by far.
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noname2200 posted 09/10/2009, 04:21
You can also put them in the Guard formation, and they'll bunch up when you approach the stairs. It makes Evade near-useless.
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wildcat posted 06/10/2009, 04:40
Nope, not yet. I used the bol to upgrade the the citizens and build houses to boost the population. Didn't think that I would need the formations this soon.
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scottie posted 06/10/2009, 03:43
wildcat - have you bought the evade formation yet? It makes getting up stairs easy
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wildcat posted 06/10/2009, 02:17
I brought my copy of Little King's Story through online. This game is very enjoyable to play and yet there is also tough challenges to overcome. It can be a little annoying trying to get the royal guards up a stairs sometimes.

So far, I defeated the first king and is having difficulty defeating the two side quest bosses.
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scottie posted 01/10/2009, 11:04
I just bought 2 copies :) My local Target had 5 copies on the shelf. word of mouth could eventually mean this game sells well.
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PeteyPeeps posted 30/09/2009, 03:15
Best Wii game ... and such poor sales
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burning_phoneix posted 30/09/2009, 02:13
If you don't buy this game and then complain Wii has no good titles available then you killed the Wii.
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noname2200 posted 28/09/2009, 04:05
Not soon enough for it to matter. And I don't think they even shipped enough copies to meet their expectations. Pity...
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Daileon posted 26/09/2009, 04:56
Well, with the legs the game are developing maybe they reach Marvelous' estimatives.
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cheesepwns posted 23/09/2009, 03:19
i bought the game from amazon Saturday received it Monday and was so excited. the i put it in my wii and find out it is defective. Made me a sad panda. =(
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Voltaire posted 20/09/2009, 03:04
$30 at my GS. I bought it.
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Vas-y posted 18/09/2009, 12:03
Games like this are the reason why I love playing video games. This game is magic :).
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DarkFury posted 18/09/2009, 01:47
Damn, I was expecting stronger launch in Japan. Just have to hope for strong continuing sales...
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Voltaire posted 18/09/2009, 01:47
AFter looking for a very long time, i finally found a store (gamestop, no less) that had the game. They had a single copy in stock. Gamers can hardly be blaimed for the less than impressive sales, when retailers themselves didnt buy much of the game.
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DOLBYdigital posted 17/09/2009, 06:48
Gah another game that I still have to get! Hopefully it can get to 200k
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robond posted 17/09/2009, 09:04
Just bought this game and I'm loving it!
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Old Rock posted 17/09/2009, 01:56
I finally got a copy after a month of looking for it in local stores. I partially blame those stores for the low sales!
In any case, this is a great and enjoyable game.
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hunter_alien posted 16/09/2009, 05:56
IMO 200k is possible... lets hopr for the best
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noname2200 posted 16/09/2009, 04:41
Who keeps clicking on this game so much that it keeps coming up on the first page?

In other words, what magnificent bastard deserves a high-five?
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chris_wing posted 13/09/2009, 11:46
Let's hope it has legs, but if this doesn't turn out as a success you can blame the graphics that look like a game for "kids" coupled with it's teen rating and blurry visuals. But let's hope it has legs.
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shakarak posted 13/09/2009, 02:43
I will be getting this soon.
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noname2200 posted 12/09/2009, 09:55
I am shocked at these sales figures, absolutely shocked.
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SaviorX posted 11/09/2009, 01:15

Sales don't fail us now....
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marcianito posted 10/09/2009, 09:43
getting this game soon
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sparkit34 posted 10/09/2009, 05:39
This is definitely the best Wii game I bought that was recommended to me by VGChartz users. Thanks guys!!!
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DarkFury posted 08/09/2009, 06:22
Talking to my circle of hardcore gamer friends, none of them are getting this, despite my assurances of quality. It is like the title is cursed. At least it is available in local shops.
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CaptainDJ posted 06/09/2009, 04:36
Mad world sold more than this! :o
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N.Genckel posted 04/09/2009, 08:58
Arg! It's getting really frustrating that the great Wii games sell like shit.
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VivaLaWiida posted 27/08/2009, 10:12
I'm ashamed of myself that I didn't already buy this, but I will for sure!
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Smeags posted 25/08/2009, 04:22
Just bought it, and ordered the Official Players Guide to boot. Just got started, and it's wonderful. ^_^
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 23/08/2009, 09:16
it is bad, but it may have long term sales, it won't die any time soon

even deadly creatures with 2k launch is still selling something!
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Khuutra posted 22/08/2009, 06:49
I am contributing to those sales.
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gustave154 posted 22/08/2009, 11:42
very dissapointing sales...
hope it picks up during the holiday season.
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famousringo posted 21/08/2009, 07:07
This game is great, but it does make me wish that Japanese developers weren't so damn scared to use the IR pointer.
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Daileon posted 19/08/2009, 09:14

Not really.

Sales expectations
• Little King Story (Wii) : 45k (NA : 120k , EU : 124k)

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pariz posted 15/08/2009, 03:13
Missing out this game it is such a crime as having lost Super Mario RPG or Yoshi's Story 15 years ago.
What the fuck are people thinking about?
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vonboysp posted 15/08/2009, 03:07
the games trending higher in the us than in pal. not by much, mind you, but a little. maybe the publisher would be happy with something like just 150k sales?
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vherub posted 15/08/2009, 12:06
it's such a good title, would love to see more, especially with those cutscenes
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krimoz911 posted 08/08/2009, 10:03
Rat dung?
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rudyrsr8 posted 08/08/2009, 04:49
Hey, I'm somebody.
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Shipping Total

130,000 Units
As of: September 30th, 2009

Opinion (260)

Gammalad posted 26/08/2014, 08:34
Probably in my top 5 favorite Wii games. I hope Marvelous AQL does something with this IP one day.
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ROFLMAO posted 01/07/2012, 04:41
Very reminiscent of my favourite game, Pikmin, with a mixture of other fantastic things in there too. It is one of the best original games on Wii, very sad that it didn't get more sales.
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ROFLMAO posted 01/07/2012, 04:41
Very reminiscent of my favourite game, Pikmin, with a mixture of other fantastic things in there too. It is one of the best original games on Wii, very sad that it didn't get more sales.
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RedInker posted 09/05/2012, 02:55
An amazing game. I'm replaying it for the first time since it's release and it is filling me with joy again like it did on my first play through. Shame it's sales didn't reach the numbers it deserved.
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kingofbubba posted 30/06/2011, 05:46
It was pretty good. There were a few things that I wish were done differently, but over all it was fun and worth the playthrough
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Fededx posted 22/05/2011, 05:50
Well it seems it's still selling. I have to buy a copy!
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