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Ubisoft Paris



Other Versions

All, Wii

Release Dates

10/07/11 Ubisoft
(Add Date)
10/11/11 Ubisoft

Community Stats

Owners: 6
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 1

Avg Community Rating:


Just Dance 3 - Reviews

Critic Reviews

Eurogamer Read Review 7 out of 10 27th Oct 2011
GiantBomb Read Review 2 out of 5 13th Nov 2011

User Reviews

No User Reviews have been submitted yet...

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (26)

1 n/a 21,350 n/a 3,190 24,540
2 n/a 7,967 5,295 1,981 15,243
3 n/a 6,016 7,137 1,965 15,118
4 n/a 9,972 5,799 2,938 18,709
5 n/a 12,705 6,241 3,463 22,409
6 n/a 20,421 7,839 5,046 33,306
7 n/a 28,856 7,505 6,228 42,589
8 n/a 185,418 10,765 30,354 226,537
9 n/a 80,093 18,495 16,444 115,032
10 n/a 140,894 25,803 27,164 193,861
blue7x7 posted 19/03/2012, 05:39
Not surprised it did much better than Dance Central 2 it had a much huger advertising campaign and a much better one at that.
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oniyide posted 06/01/2012, 11:34
I will admit, it is doing alot better than i thought. bravo Ubi, now take some of that cash and make BG&E2
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-girgosz- posted 01/01/2012, 02:37
is this bundled?
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TheDarkBender posted 31/12/2011, 11:27
@gameonbro: reviewers state that it only tracks hands not the feet. Also Wii version has been outselling it be 6x.
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gameonbro posted 28/12/2011, 10:49
this shouldve been the title to get the wiiple to the x360. jd3 kinect is hands and feet down the best and only version that should be out
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Mr Puggsly posted 24/12/2011, 12:55
A huge achievement for a Kinect title. It may do 2 million life time.
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