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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

Shin Hikari Shinwa: Palutena no Kagami

新光神話 パルテナの鏡


Project Sora



Release Dates

03/23/12 Nintendo
03/22/11 Nintendo
03/23/12 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 229
Favorite: 48
Tracked: 4
Wishlist: 8
Now Playing: 37

Avg Community Rating:


Kid Icarus: Uprising - FAQs

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Shipping Total

1,370,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2022

Opinion (143)

Machina posted 05/08/2023, 12:45
+10k for all of 2021 and 2022.

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xxbrothawizxx63 posted 23/04/2017, 07:21
Agreed Noir. The game is a masterpiece and deserves to be unchained from the underpowered 3DS. The sales on 3DS are a travesty. Some would argue that the touch controls were integral to the experience, but I'm sure it would work just fine with a twin stick setup. The character portraits during dialogue could be relegated to the bottom or top corners of the screen. An HD upgrade wouldn't be enough though. The game needs an upgrade to the core assets. Even in HD with the Citra, the low polygon models mar the experience.
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NoirSon posted 12/03/2017, 03:52
Really wish Nintendo would do a remake of this game on the Switch with traditional controls and updated visuals. A game of this value deserves more love and I can't think of any reasons other then the controls and maybe the difficulty as to why it isn't more popular.
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TJZ_Link posted 23/03/2015, 04:59
this deserves 3m ww..... oh well
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ExplodingBlock posted 14/11/2014, 04:19
Hope this convinces Sora to start working for a sequel to this on Wii U after they finish Smash Bros
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AshKetchum1992 posted 11/08/2014, 03:07
This game is really amazing, happy it passed 1 million sales.
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