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Review Scores



Alternative Names

Pocket Monsters FireRed / LeafGreen

ポケットモンスター ファイアレッド / リーフグリーン


Game Freak



Release Dates

09/07/04 Nintendo
01/29/04 Nintendo
10/01/04 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 445
Favorite: 36
Tracked: 2
Wishlist: 1
Now Playing: 6

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

12,000,000 Units
As of: March 2013

Opinion (16)

ROFLMAO posted 26/06/2012, 02:13
I loved the game, but it didn't quite capture the magic of R/S or the Originals, one of the better games though.
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dxc posted 09/05/2011, 10:12
the game that I have more hours. I'm ashamed to say how many
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Chevinator123 posted 06/03/2011, 12:23
i wish i didtnt loose my leafgreen =(
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cody6695 posted 25/03/2010, 07:43
HG/SS sales passed in Japan already! :)
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SimplyMe posted 21/08/2009, 09:27
finished this game in...i think it was a week. Rock on, huh? Of course, I only got off the computer for eating and bathroom breaks -_^
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Trent posted 31/03/2009, 09:51
i spent over 400 hours on this game

a waste of time but so much fun
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