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Blue Monkey Studios



Other Versions


Release Dates

11/28/06 Activision
(Add Date)
02/09/07 Activision

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Barbie in The 12 Dancing Princesses - Summary

Based on the DVD movie, Barbie™ in the 12 Dancing Princesses is the story of Barbie™ as Genevieve™, 1 of 12 sisters who live happily with their father the king. Concerned that the high-spirited independent princesses need more structure to become proper princesses, the king invites his cousin, the Duchess Rowena, to move into the castle. Rather than help, Rowena forbids the sisters from singing and dancing and squelches their individuality. The princesses discover a magical enchanted world and escape the tyranny of Rowena. But when Genevieve™ learns that their father's life is in danger, the sisters must unite to save the king and their kingdom.


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