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Spanning over a 14 year legacy, Tekken is among the most popular and well-known gaming brands in the world with the entire franchise selling more than 33 million units to date. Displayed in astonishing HD detail, a new era begins in the sixth King of the Iron Fist Tournament complete with intense gameplay modes as well as new features and environments.
A must-have for Tekken aficionados, sees the return of many familiar faces as well as new characters to create the largest line-up the series has ever seen. With a growing roster of fighters, each equipped with their own deadly techniques, moves and attack combinations,
will be the best King of Iron Fist Tournament yet. Adding to the already rich gaming experience, a deeper character customization feature will only further enhance the incredible fighting intensity as players go mano-y-mano. Players can also take the battle online for classic match-ups and to compete for world domination.
posted 08/11/2013, 06:23
Nahh, do the math guys. MK is the best-selling fighting franchise this gen across all platforms. PS3+360+PSV= well over 4 million. More than all of Tekken 6 combined and rightfully so. Last good Tekken was 5. Shame, too, considering TTT2 has such a killer soundtrack and visuals. Message | Report |
posted 12/12/2012, 05:32
OH COOOOLLL the best selling fighting game on ps3 average sales. 😀 Message | Report |
posted 23/06/2012, 05:03
I will wait for Tekken 7 and Tekken X Street Fighter, to see if the series is back on track. I could not care less for Tekken Tag 2. Message | Report |
posted 23/06/2012, 05:00
Indeed, it is the worst in the series. But it may reach 3M which is not a bad thing considering the crapfest and this console generation. Also this game is looking to be the best selling fighting this generation and that is a complete BLASPHEMY!!! Message | Report |