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Alternative Names

ワールドサッカーウイニングイレブン 2008





Other Versions

DS, PC, PS2, PS3, PSP, Wii

Release Dates

03/12/08 Konami
11/22/07 Konami
10/26/07 Konami

Community Stats

Owners: 26
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 0
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Now Playing: 0

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Critically acclaimed, multi-million selling and still the most respected football title on the planet, Pro Evolution Soccer continues to be one of Konami’s flagship titles. The indications are that this latest incarnation will surpass everything that went before it and prove that PES 2008 will be the greatest version of the beautiful game to date.

Two new cover stars will grace the packshot with multiple player of the year Cristiano Ronaldo and England star Michael Owen endorsing the quality of PES 2008 by deciding to use their considerable talents alongside that of the game. As well as the outside having a new look, fans will be eager to know what new changes can be found inside the most important area of PES 2008 – the gameplay.

PES 2008 will feature a brand new intelligence system, called Teamvision, that adapts and reacts to players own gameplay styles to ensure that the computer controlled opponents are always challenging and forcing the player to think and chance their style of play to avoid being out-thought by the game. It will learn counter attacks that target your weaknesses and look to exploit any repetitive tactics players use.

Defenders react better to danger, closing down the ball and charging at shots and the goalkeepers will hold shots that are closer to them as well. Teammates will make more intelligent runs into space and the close control has been sharpened to ensure quick and fluid passing and speedy attacks can be built. The next gen versions will also feature extensive edit modes so players can completely customise their PES 2008 experience.


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Latest Screenshots

Latest Updates

Game Information Updated nordlead 08th Jul 2009
Screenshots Added Machina 25th Mar 2009
Boxart Added oliist 31st Oct 2008
Boxart Added oliist 31st Oct 2008
Boxart Added oliist 31st Oct 2008
Game Summary added to Database Machina 26th Sep 2008
Boxart Added Barozi 21st Sep 2008
Boxart Added Barozi 21st Sep 2008
Boxart Added Munkeh111 20th Sep 2008
Release Date Added to Database MontanaHatchet 12th Apr 2008
Release Date Added to Database MontanaHatchet 12th Apr 2008

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (19)

1 n/a n/a 166,610 166,610
2 n/a n/a 67,308 67,308
3 n/a n/a 36,083 36,083
4 n/a n/a 23,743 23,743
5 13,387 n/a 41,360 547 55,294
6 4,892 n/a 29,578 345 34,815
7 3,143 n/a 38,582 417 42,142
8 2,306 n/a 40,419 427 43,152
9 2,228 n/a 43,844 461 46,533
10 1,740 n/a 46,413 482 48,635
MontanaHatchet posted 09/07/2008, 11:02
You know, the PS3 version beat the 360 version by over half a million copies. I think that Konami knows where their priorities lie.
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Oemenia posted 29/05/2008, 01:38
I hope they shift lead development to 360 now, its still at PS2, but in a year or two, people will forget the console completely. Offcourse, the game will still sell, but the more hardcore players right now are on PS2, by then they would have migrated

The 360 and now the PS3 versions have been consistently behind for a while, not just content, but the gameplay has been quite different. Its not so bad with this 360 version, but its pretty evident with the PS3.

Also, they need to take a break and spend a long time working on the next game. Graphics need a complete overhaul, the player faces are nice, the official kits are good, but just about everything else from the fake shirts, the stadium crowd to the stadiums themselves look behind Fifa 04. Also, we need new features, Fifa series just when you think has it all continues to surpise us (though its still lacking the no. 1 thing and thats gameplay...)
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FaRmLaNd posted 21/05/2008, 09:21
Both Pro Evolution games on the 360 have sold over 1 million copies. I think this will ensure the continued support of the platform.
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I LOVE GIGGS posted 15/05/2008, 11:25
This game is more important or popular than GTA or Halo or Mario in my country ..

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Oemenia posted 15/05/2008, 08:13
Good sales, its paying off for Konami to support the XBOX brand
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