Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered on PC Sells 1.5 Million Units, The Last of Us Part I on PC Sells 368,000 - Sales
by William D'Angelo , posted on 23 May 2023 / 4,093 ViewsSony Interactive Entertainment President and CEO Jim Ryan in a new Game & Network Services Segment presentation announced PlayStation games released on PC have seen significant growth.
PlayStation games on PC have grown from $35 million in revenue in fiscal year 2020 to $80 million in fiscal year 2021 and $250 million in fiscal year 2022. Sony estimates revenue will reach $450 million in fiscal year 2023.
PlayStation was a top 20 PC publisher in fiscal year 2022 according to a "leading PC games retailer." 20 percent of first-party game sales for fiscal year 2023 are expected to be from PC games.
Sony has announced Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered on PC has now sold 1.5 million units generating $52 million in revenue as of the end of fiscal year 2022. The Last of Us Part I on PC has sold 368,000 units and generated $15.5 million in revenue as of April 23.
A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.
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What could’ve been if TLOU released in a polished state. The game went from top seller to outside the top 50 VERY quickly. I imagine there were a lot of refunds.
The game has had over 75GB worth of updates and it’s still not quite finished lol. Here’s to hoping Ratchet & Clank will be among those announced to be released on PC!
Rachet and Clank will be interesting because it will be the first time we see attempts to run the game will massively underspeced SDDs. But anyone building a PC in 2023 can get a 1TB NVME drive for under $100. In fact, I love knowing that I can swap my PS5 drive to my PC when I'm ready to upgrade.
I don't really understand the poor performance of TLOU while Spider-man running absolutely flawlessly. I know it's not the same devs, but this huge discrepency between 2 PS5 to PC conversions is surprising
Hopefully TLOU's disastrous launch was a wake up call for Sony. If you wanna get those PC Gamer bucks, make sure your ports are made with care BEFORE launch.
Also, I just played Spider-man remastered the other day for the first time. Superb game! (Though the bosses were SO easy! lol)
In the highest difficult they aren't that easy, but sure it isn't a nightmare.
Oh I see. Do the combat patterns change or is just the damage output? Cause my first run was in hard and I wasn't really challenged much. Like, the final boss killed me just one time lol. I don't mean to brag, it's just that as a Souls player, I'm used to more.
I didn't play in multiple difficulties, but if I had to assume compared to other games it is more like damage output and your health bar instead of enemies being smarter or changing their routines.
Pc gamers dolars helping fund more games , its a great way of making money and still focus on consoles.
Time changes everything mate.
That is a healthy increase, and until it starts affecting their PS revenue (be it in dual users waiting to buy on PC, reduced sales of HW, etc) there won't be a reason for they to change. This gen they most likely will keep holding to 2 years staggered release until the end of the gen, if there is no sign of negative impact they may consider reducing it for next gen. Since GAAS and the like they will make as day one from all we know, they may use it to measure the split in sales.
Imagine how much more they could sell if they released their games day 1 on PC. Not sure why they're so scared of that. It's not going to steal PS5 sales. I mean, I have a decent PC to play games but I still play on my Xbox first over PC. Oh well!
I would say they have better data than you to measure the impact of day and date versus staggered release
TLOU PC port sales could have been far better, ahd it not come out in the state it launched in.
Spider-Man was the better port at the time it launched (far better than TLOU), so the sales make sense (plus it's Spider-man).
If they're estimating 450 mil for this fiscal year it's safe to say they're planning several new ports. Probably TLOU Part 2 and Ghost of Tsushima, maybe a couple more.