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Release Dates

07/14/87 Nintendo
02/21/86 Nintendo
11/15/87 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 7
Favorite: 3
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

153,030,000 Units
As of: June 30th, 2024

Opinion (16)

Machina posted 02/08/2024, 11:14
Increases last quarter:
Breath of the Wild +200k
Tears of the Kingdom +190k

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Machina posted 07/05/2024, 09:24
Increases last quarter:
TotK +330k
BotW +240k

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Machina posted 07/02/2024, 08:42
Increases in the holiday quarter:
ToTk +780k
BotW +460k
Total: +1.24 million

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Machina posted 07/11/2023, 03:06
Increases last quarter:
TotK +990k
BotW +500k
Total: 1.49 million

150 million!

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Machina posted 06/08/2023, 02:12
Updated total:
- 130 million up to the end of March 2023 (see footnote in this press release - ).
- 18.5 million to TotK.
- 840k for BotW in Q2 2023.
Total: 149.34 million.

That means older Zelda titles have managed 3.17 million extra after dropping off Nintendo's best-seller lists and financial reports.

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Machina posted 04/08/2023, 05:32
CESA additions (up to end of 2022):
+380k for Link's Awakening
+240k for Skyward Sword HD
+40k for OoT 3D
+30k for Majora's Mask 3D

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