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Alternative Names

Eigo ga Nigate na Otona no DS Training: Eigo Duke

英語が苦手な大人のDSトレーニング えいご漬け





Release Dates

(Add Date)
01/26/06 Nintendo
10/27/06 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 20
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

3,910,000 Units
As of: December 2014

Opinion (6)

Gintoki posted 12/01/2010, 09:31
lol this is so easy...
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SJGohan3972 posted 24/12/2008, 03:36
I think everyones in the US should have too buy this so that we can get some better language :) (you like what I did there?)
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wareagle372 posted 15/06/2008, 01:06
apparently this game doesn't work too well for senbei
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okr posted 27/05/2008, 10:42
In my opinion this application focuses too much on dictation, which makes it too easy for advanced learners and too hard for beginners.

Et "peu de success en dehors du Japon"? It sold nearly one million in Europe. Pas trop miteux.
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Aj_habfan posted 24/05/2008, 07:18
Well, most people in America and quite a few in Europe already know English, so there is little point for them.
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Senbei posted 16/06/2007, 10:46
Peu de succes en dehors du japon c'est dommage...
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