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Alternative Names

メトロイド サムス リターンス


Mercury Steam



Release Dates

09/15/17 Nintendo
09/15/17 Nintendo
09/15/17 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 41
Favorite: 6
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 1
Now Playing: 2

Avg Community Rating:


Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (14)

1 31,226 76,724 56,624 20,154 184,728
2 7,839 22,397 23,159 6,281 59,676
3 3,886 9,936 11,919 2,885 28,626
4 2,180 7,560 7,985 2,131 19,856
5 1,523 8,038 5,867 2,107 17,535
6 1,022 7,111 4,525 1,825 14,483
7 911 7,382 4,459 1,880 14,632
8 1,008 5,203 3,315 1,335 10,861
9 1,023 5,412 2,078 1,307 9,820
10 1,146 5,531 1,760 1,313 9,750
MrGuyWasTaken posted 24/02/2021, 08:11
@RalNoblesse well, there were a couple reasons for poor sales: the 3ds was on a sharp decline when this game released because of the switch, the metroid series hadn't gotten a main entry in over 10 years, and the series doesn't usually sell well in japan regardless.
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RaiNoblesse posted 17/03/2019, 05:35
Noooo this is one of the best "2D" Metroids ever!

Its just less (cinematic-)dramatic than other 2D Metroids, but converts the true / oldschool feeling better than any (side of the original NES version)

Must have been "too frustrating"? for some ... otherwise can not explain those low numbers (and the "boom" of very pretty and cheap Castleroids probably stole the show a bit too

Nintendo schould launch this in Switch as a download too (if not already happend), but at a fair price too
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Proxy-Pie posted 13/03/2019, 10:33
These sales break my heart. This game deserves so much better!
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alejollorente10 posted 14/09/2018, 08:25
These sales are a bit sad! It is a game that should have come out in Switch.
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No9tro posted 21/06/2018, 06:42
Are those sales accurate? If so then I'm sad
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Goodnightmoon posted 10/11/2017, 07:54
250k in 2 weeks, for comparison sake Federation Force sold less than 25k in that period of time, so at least nintendo is getting the message that you can sell 10 times better if you do a Metroid people actually wants. It seems to be holding on well in Europe and decently in NA, let's hope it keeps holding on for a while.
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