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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

Professor Layton and the Lost Future

Layton-kyouju to Saigo no Jikan Ryokou



Level 5



Release Dates

09/12/10 Nintendo
11/27/08 Level 5
10/22/10 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 696
Favorite: 11
Tracked: 3
Wishlist: 11
Now Playing: 5

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

3,020,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2017

Opinion (12)

masschamber posted 14/01/2012, 05:00
the ending made my little sister cry, because according to her it was sad. She then explained it to me (I only solve the puzzle, don't care about the story) and it sounded bonkos
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Diglet posted 22/03/2011, 12:24
I have to agee with 123. The story was fine up untill the end and then the story writers must have thought that they could make the story terrible because it was a game. I actually wanted to skip the last cutscenes as they were rediculous.
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Reconnection posted 12/02/2011, 06:44
Lol, this is one of the only series EMEAA likes. xD
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Venox2008 posted 24/12/2010, 03:48
great series :)
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OneTwoThree posted 18/12/2010, 04:12
Finished it today. Really, the story is implausible nonsense. Towards the end we were permanently rolling our eyes at the events and dialog.
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marcianito posted 14/12/2010, 05:04
best week on EMEAA bigger than launch week
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