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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

Dracula Densetsu ReBirth

ドラキュラ伝説 リバース





Release Dates

12/28/09 Konami
10/27/09 Konami
02/26/10 Konami

Community Stats

Owners: 55
Favorite: 4
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 3
Now Playing: 3

Avg Community Rating:


Legacy Sales History

Opinion (6)

AngryAztec posted 14/03/2010, 04:40
"only bad thing about this game is that there is NO saves nor passwords at all"

^^^ The game has a level select trick that lets you play levels you have already beaten.

Since it only has 6 levels, no passwords or saves are really needed. Unless you find it Too Hard. Do you?
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Kwaidd posted 27/02/2010, 01:23
very cool game, reminds me of the old days with a slightly new flair. Set it on hard difficulty and enjoy!
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Soma posted 21/01/2010, 10:12
I'll buy this one soon
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Arawn-Deathlord posted 29/12/2009, 10:58
More people need to buy this game and the Castlevania's for Virtual console as well. The only bad thing about this game is that there is NO saves nor passwords at all.
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FreeTalkLive posted 29/12/2009, 09:08
The rebirth has begun!
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Hardcoregamer1989 posted 18/09/2009, 02:15
this game will be awesome
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