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posted 01/04/2010, 08:31
i hate all you non supporters of this amazing game. if you like mgs god of war or even devil may cry you will love this. if you liked shenmue, it destroys shenmue. pick up the friggin games, get yakuza 3 now, and get yakuza 4, support this shiznit. makes me sad, sega are being kind and releeasing it western and middle Message | Report |
posted 25/06/2009, 09:19
One of my favorite games of all time and absolutely one of the best games of 2008. Top 5, easily. Message | Report |
posted 27/05/2009, 01:06
Yakuza games are really some of my favourite games of all times!! I am currently sudying in Japan, and leaving in August. Already bought Kenzan! as I doubt it will be released outside of Japan and if nothing is said about Yakuza 3 as well, it will join Kenzan! in my bag when I go back home =) Message | Report |