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Traveller's Tales



Other Versions

DS, GBA, GC, PC, PS2, Wii

Release Dates

11/15/06 Eidos Interactive
(Add Date)
11/24/06 Eidos Interactive

Community Stats

Owners: 7
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0


Easy Lego pieces

In the level where you fight Roodaka, go to her and hold A. After you get Hero mode, use tape to keep A held on the controller so your character keeps attacking. Use Hahli, Vezok, or even Vezon so that they keep shooting streams to easily defeat the summoned Visorak. Because of the auto-aim when there is a villain your character will lock on automatically, kills them, then switch. Since your character is invincible in Hero mode and it is unlimited, you can gain easy Bolts.

Completely upgrade Toa Nuparu at the Matoran Enclave shop. Collect 500,000 Lego pieces and buy "Bonus Level 1". Go to the Piraka Playground. Go to the other side of the playground. Once there, you should find a cave/pathway between the Piraka VIP lounge and the Piraka diving board. Go inside the cave; there will be three portals. Go through the first portal on your left. Then, switch to Toa Nuparu and start destroying multiple enemies while collecting Lego pieces. Do this quickly, as you have a 112 second time limit. You can get an average of 50,000 to 70,000 Lego pieces every time you try the bonus level.

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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (0)

1 n/a 1,625 n/a 287 1,912
2 n/a 1,797 n/a 317 2,114
3 n/a 1,946 n/a 343 2,289
4 n/a 2,601 n/a 459 3,060
5 n/a 3,222 n/a 569 3,791
6 n/a 3,943 n/a 696 4,639
7 n/a 1,175 n/a 207 1,382
8 n/a 1,004 n/a 177 1,181
9 n/a 711 n/a 125 836
10 n/a 647 n/a 114 761
View all