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Ubisoft Montreal



Other Versions

All, PC, PS3

Release Dates

12/04/12 Ubisoft
03/07/13 Ubisoft
11/30/12 Ubisoft

Community Stats

Owners: 18
Favorite: 3
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 1

Avg Community Rating:


"A Far Cry."

By Joseph Trotter 13th Dec 2012 | 6,862 views 
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Beyond the limits of civilization lies an island, a lawless place ruled by piracy and human misery, where your only escapes are drugs or the muzzle of a gun. This is where you find yourself, trapped in a place that’s forgotten right from wrong, a place that lives by the principles of violence. Discover the island’s bloody secrets and take the fight to the enemy; improvise and use your environment to survive. Beware the beauty and mystery of this unexplored paradise and live to outwit its roster of ruthless, desperate characters.You’ll need more than luck to survive.

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Latest Updates

Game Banner Added to Database Darwinianevolution 09th Oct 2018
Game Information Updated TheKingOfDragons 07th Feb 2018
Boxart Added TheKingOfDragons 07th Feb 2018
Boxart Added TheKingOfDragons 07th Feb 2018
Game Information Updated TheKingOfDragons 07th Feb 2018
Boxart Added TheKingOfDragons 07th Feb 2018
Boxart Added TheKingOfDragons 07th Feb 2018
Boxart Added Ryuu96 31st Dec 2017

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (13)

1 n/a n/a 149,758 8,985 158,743
2 n/a 262,426 134,889 65,405 462,720
3 n/a 129,282 104,279 34,491 268,052
4 n/a 132,244 169,299 39,039 340,582
5 n/a 68,048 159,606 24,437 252,091
6 n/a 41,653 59,023 12,638 113,314
7 n/a 24,934 38,195 7,737 70,866
8 n/a 21,987 22,079 6,126 50,192
9 n/a 35,912 17,002 8,863 61,777
10 n/a 29,179 18,451 7,479 55,109
CarriedLawyer45 posted 25/07/2020, 07:44
I like this game. This is a nice f***ing game.
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CarriedLawyer45 posted 25/06/2020, 09:39
Vaas is love. Vaas is life.
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nightengalelame posted 05/01/2016, 04:21
The music... The story, Main character... the Villian... Far Cry 3 is nothing Short of Destiny.
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nightengalelame posted 04/01/2016, 05:44
This game is Perfect/YEAH, BABY!!!
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Ryng posted 16/05/2015, 10:26
My favourite game for XB360. This game is just fucking epic. :O deserved sales!!!!!!
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Mr Puggsly posted 06/11/2013, 05:32
@ nugget - Nope, its more like FC2 but actually good.
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