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Release Dates

10/07/15 Sony Computer Entertainment
10/08/15 Sony Computer Entertainment
10/09/15 Sony Computer Entertainment

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Owners: 50
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Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection (PS4) > Opinions (80)

Machina posted 23/12/2023, 02:33
Almost 10 million.

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CarriedLawyer45 posted 02/03/2021, 03:56
This is a really good collection of video games. I'd highly recommend it.
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Heavenly_King posted 05/04/2018, 08:50
I really hope that for PS5 they make a collection of all the games with the engine of Uncharted 4 :). that would be so damn bombastically insane!!!!
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Rob5VGC posted 31/05/2017, 08:48
Well, damn. I forgot about this.

5 million!
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ExplodingBlock posted 06/06/2016, 04:47
Glad this great game is still selling
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Kerotan posted 03/05/2016, 03:13
It's guaranteed to hit 5m now. Very successful collection.
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Rob5VGC posted 28/04/2016, 03:53
4 million!
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Azhraell posted 22/04/2016, 02:42
Why would it cut its legs if they are different content?? Most people that wants to try out U4 and never owned a ps3 will pick up this collection before
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Colocho posted 31/03/2016, 04:50
I wonder if Uncharted 4 will help boost this game's sales or if it will just cut its legs..??
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Ryng posted 19/03/2016, 05:04
It's undertracked by 100K in USA by end of November.
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Azhraell posted 06/03/2016, 03:50
Prediction time: 6.3M ltd
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OneKartVita posted 20/01/2016, 03:07
I also knew it was selling a shit ton of bundles. It must have been very appealing to all the 360 converts switching to Playstation. Genius move Sony.
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barneystinson69 posted 18/01/2016, 04:01
NPD numbers showed this did 259k without bundle's in the US. Guess Mr Puggsly and I were right!
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kooltrex posted 17/01/2016, 10:58
This should surpass 5 million amazing collection of games and a very smart move by sony to release this.
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OneKartVita posted 12/01/2016, 12:01
This will probably sell over 5m LTD. I know 5m isn't anything special anymore on the ps4 but it's still a very nice number. Well done uncharted and Sony
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Mr Puggsly posted 09/01/2016, 07:49
MCC likely includes a few 100K of bundling. This however might be 2 million+ units bundled.

Either way, this was a great bundle choice. Its a notable release for PS4 with wide appeal.
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Roronaa_chan posted 09/01/2016, 06:22
MCC did include it, we've been over that.
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Potterfan95 posted 08/01/2016, 07:12
This game is selling so well due to bundles, like Gears Of War, so the sales aren't that impressive. But the games are! I think Sony should have also made another first-party bundle, like Bloodborne + God Of War III to give consumers more choice like MS did.
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barneystinson69 posted 07/01/2016, 07:15
This game does include bundling. Shouldn't be though, as the MCC never did.
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Rob5VGC posted 07/01/2016, 02:19
Congrats on 3m.
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Shikamo posted 06/01/2016, 09:54
honestly... The Halo franchise is well worn , consequently Halo 5 will pass the sales of Nathan Drake Collection but Uncharted 4 will outsell Halo 5 , finally Microsoft has to try something Halo Reach 2 type to try to leverage the franchise again I think.
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Mr Puggsly posted 06/01/2016, 06:49
@OneKartVita - Is that bundle that cost $350 when other bundles were $299? Regardless, something at Best Buy doesn't count as mass bundling?

If you think this is bigger than Halo... well good on ya.
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OneKartVita posted 06/01/2016, 05:09
Tomb raider was mass bundled in best buy and nobody bought it. Regardless insane sales and it actually just passed out halo 5. Who would ever think Sony would have a bigger 3Rd person shooter than halo.
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Mr Puggsly posted 04/01/2016, 07:13
@curtisghall - Tomb Raider didnt have mass bundling, but it arguably should have.

@fireburn - TLoU didnt have mass bundling at launch.
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curtisghall posted 27/12/2015, 04:37
i find it interesting this can sell way better than the rise of the tomb raider
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fireburn95 posted 24/12/2015, 11:24
1.2 mill more than tlou after first 10 weeks aligned.
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Colocho posted 24/12/2015, 02:11
At this rate, it should have no problms clearing 3MM units b4 yr end!!! BEAST!
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StreaK posted 20/12/2015, 06:26
Nice sales!
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Dr.Vita posted 14/12/2015, 05:50
Doing great numbers!!!
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Colocho posted 13/12/2015, 07:52
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WebMasterFlex posted 13/12/2015, 05:42
* Beat and not be sorry
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WebMasterFlex posted 13/12/2015, 05:40
It could be The Last Of Us number. Crazy...
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JMaine518 posted 13/12/2015, 06:50
Wow already at 2 million. Jesus Christ.
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Roronaa_chan posted 12/12/2015, 09:56
I didn't say heavily, lol. It's +100k in the US which isn't that much. And I don't know if it's overtracked outside of the US.
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raulbalarezo posted 12/12/2015, 08:47
Yeah, its undertracked, but amazing numbers, now imagine uncharted 4, wow it will sell a lot :)
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OneKartVita posted 12/12/2015, 07:58
These numbers are insane. And as somebody said its heavily undertracked. Like how is that even possible.
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WebMasterFlex posted 12/12/2015, 02:33
So it's 2 million already.
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Roronaa_chan posted 12/12/2015, 01:03
On top of that, it's undertracked. Sold over 800k in November NPD, VGC has it at 660k
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fluky-nintendy posted 11/12/2015, 09:34
Oh, and Meret calling this a bomba too? Poor guy xD
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fluky-nintendy posted 11/12/2015, 09:33
Selling like hotcakes! Maybe it will end up with numbers like tlour.
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fireburn95 posted 11/12/2015, 01:08
Easy port lol? Credit to bluepoint, they had to go through old and unordered code especially in uncharted 1 to actually change some mechanics.
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OneKartVita posted 02/12/2015, 01:04
It was absolutely genius. This made made profit from day 1. A fairly cheap and easy port.

Sony planned a 299$ PS4 for BF/CM and then the 2 weeks before Christmas. And then it will be $349 every other week. They could have sold a bland looking box with just the black ps4 but it looks so much more appealing with the uncharted box art and the 3 game collection.

Another bonus is they can drum up hype for uncharted 4. As Puggsly said this will do insane numbers with the bundle. genius by Sony.
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tokilamockingbrd posted 30/11/2015, 07:53
if there was ever a game released with the intention of bundling this is it. I believe they moved to a physical version because people are more likely to actually try a hard copy of a game they have even if they were not interested.

I believe when the Order 1886 panned Sony decided to make this their bundle choice for the holidays. Originally I think they planned on making the Order their Holiday bundle game of choice. But once it came out it became clear it would not sell consoles and the NDC became that game.
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Mr Puggsly posted 28/11/2015, 04:24
This will probably move 3 million units from bundles this year.
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OneKartVita posted 26/11/2015, 07:34
This is going to sell gangbusters. It's in the 299 ps4 bundle for black friday. Maybe it will pass the last of us remastered out.
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WebMasterFlex posted 24/11/2015, 01:53
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SlayerRondo posted 23/11/2015, 03:31
One more member of the PS4's million sellers club. Well deserved.
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OneKartVita posted 23/11/2015, 03:09
It will beat 2m by January aswell. Great idea for a bundle. They should do uncharted collection + uncharted 4 for 349 when it releases.
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xboxonefan posted 23/11/2015, 02:07
Sold a million
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JMaine518 posted 23/11/2015, 01:58
Looks like it hit a million!
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hunate posted 21/11/2015, 01:55
Start working at home with Google! It's by-far the best job I've had. Last Wednesday I got a brand new BMW since getting a check for $6474 this - 4 weeks past. I began this 8-months ago and immediately was bringing home at least $77 per hour. I work through this link, go to tech tab for work detail.
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SlayerRondo posted 21/11/2015, 08:36
Will pass one million next week on VGChartz
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OneKartVita posted 20/11/2015, 10:04
Yeah this is in beast mode now. The bundle is doing excellent too despite other stellar bundles competing with it!
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Dadrik posted 20/11/2015, 09:04
Selling really well and showing strong legs so far. It'll be interesting to see how it'll do this holiday season.
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OneKartVita posted 15/11/2015, 01:09
I just checked NPD from last year and the MCC is heavily overtracked on here so that's not right.

Back on topic this has already sold 3 quarters or a million retail. it will breeze past a million and considering how well the uncharted bundle is doing at retail it will reach many mullion. Sony must be delighted.
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Mr Puggsly posted 14/11/2015, 06:22
@chan - By the time the bundles came it was at 2 million or virtually at it. If the bundles are counted on VGChartz, then it may only be responsible for a relatively small percentage. So that tells me MCC may have a been a really successful digital seller given the series figures MS has given. 60 million before MCC, 65 million after MCC.

So anyway, back on topic. How did this sell without bundling? 400K?
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Roronaa_chan posted 14/11/2015, 10:13
Still millions? Sure..cause it's not just AC and MCC, there were plenty of other bundles out there. Fifa, Gears, Witcher and even GTA V (yep, that is a thing in several regions), MCC was never really a "main bundle" for more than a small period of time and that's the only thing that even gave it a bit of legs, otherwise would have barely broken 2M by now. They are counted on VGC (whether it's over tracked or under tracked is a different subject), period. The denial over H5 numbers already is ending, it should also end over MCC.
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OneKartVita posted 13/11/2015, 11:07
Darkrnergy yoshi was the only new release for wii u owners to buy. Not surprising it sold well. Uncharted collection sold great. Over 300k. WW it probably sold around 700k. Superb sales.

If you think these are sad sales, what do you think of Halo 5 selling less than 3 times this game?
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darkenergy posted 13/11/2015, 10:22
Wow, Yoshi beat this in the USA? Thats...surprising(and in my opinion a little sad).
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Mr Puggsly posted 13/11/2015, 05:53
LOL, very few milions is still be millions. MCC's digital bundles simply didnt boost the numbers on VGChartz.

The MCC bundle came after the AC bundle. The AC bundle was virtually gone when MCC bundles came.

Lets just move on. We talked about this enough.

So anyway, Uncharted games are pretty damn good. Im sure this will be a success.
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Roronaa_chan posted 13/11/2015, 04:17
Very few million and a big chunk of them AC bundles, not MCC.
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Mr Puggsly posted 13/11/2015, 03:38
No, X1 sold a few million units since MCC was bundled yet MCC didnt see a boost. So you clearly dont know much about this.

Uncharted Collection had a solid opening. The thing is the series isnt as big as people think. Every Uncharted had mass bundling.
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Roronaa_chan posted 13/11/2015, 01:58
Weekly sales stayed "relatively low" because X1 weekly sales are relatively low.
@Meret not sure how this is a bomba for a cheap remaster, i'm sure it's already more profitable for Sony than Halo 5 will ever be for MS (consider that Halo 2 back in the early 2000s already cost as much as the original 3 Uncharted games combined)
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Meret posted 13/11/2015, 10:15
such a bomba, wow
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Mr Puggsly posted 13/11/2015, 04:37
@bouzane - I think around 4 million is a good estimate of what Halo:MCC is probably at. If VGChartz was counting physical bundles of that game I feel it would be higher than 2.6 million. Because in spite of bundles MCC weekly sales stayed relatively low. Mass bundling tends to spike sales if counted on VGChartz. ACIV on X1 is a good example of that. Rayman Legends however didn't see a spike from bundles.

Hence, just proving sometimes digital is counted and not.
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bouzane posted 13/11/2015, 01:54
"MS said Halo sold 60 million units pre MCC. Then they said 65 million pre Halo 5."

The data on this site suggests that the rest of the Halo franchise accounted for approximately 850,000 of those sales. Once you throw in digital I'd expect the collection to have sold less than four million units at the time of that announcement.
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Mr Puggsly posted 12/11/2015, 10:12
@Shikamo - Nope, not all bundles are counted. Especially when digital.
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Mr Puggsly posted 12/11/2015, 10:10
MS said Halo sold 60 million units pre MCC. Then they said 65 million pre Halo 5. But hey, I wouldnt expect you to know that.
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Mr Puggsly posted 12/11/2015, 10:07
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Dr.Vita posted 12/11/2015, 07:29
Great first week!!!
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raulbalarezo posted 12/11/2015, 05:46
No way MCC is at 5M maybe it is undertracked but not to far from the vgchartz numbers and bundles do count here
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OneKartVita posted 12/11/2015, 05:37
Is it not that they don't count digital bundles because I noticed the last of us actually went down in sales on here after they started giving a download code away with nearly every bundle.

Anyway great sales for this. It will hit a million in no time even without digital!
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Shikamo posted 12/11/2015, 05:28
I agree with roronaa_chan all bundles are counted , mario kart , halo MCC , last of us , uncharted and many others, it is not because you are fanboy who has to try to promote the halo mcc with arguments, the numbers is here and are real.
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Roronaa_chan posted 12/11/2015, 04:29
Maybe in dreamland
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Mr Puggsly posted 12/11/2015, 03:21
Correction, I mean MCC not Halo 5.
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Mr Puggsly posted 12/11/2015, 03:21
No, MCC would be even higher with bundles. Its estimated Halo 5 is at 5 million with digital sales and bundles.

MCC wasnt bundled when it released and it had a great opening.
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Roronaa_chan posted 12/11/2015, 08:38
MCC definitely is.
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Mr Puggsly posted 12/11/2015, 04:25
No, not all digital bundles are counted. Some games would have significantly higher numbers if that was the case.

ACIV is most definitely counting digital bundle numbers, but I don't think MCC is. I believe this game is counting digital bundles.
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Roronaa_chan posted 11/11/2015, 09:54
All bundles are counted on VGC.
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Mr Puggsly posted 11/11/2015, 09:39
It appears to me Sony bundles tend to be counted on VGChartz.
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Shipping Total

9,984,000 Units
As of: February 2022

Opinion (80)

Machina posted 23/12/2023, 02:33
Almost 10 million.

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CarriedLawyer45 posted 02/03/2021, 03:56
This is a really good collection of video games. I'd highly recommend it.
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Heavenly_King posted 05/04/2018, 08:50
I really hope that for PS5 they make a collection of all the games with the engine of Uncharted 4 :). that would be so damn bombastically insane!!!!
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Rob5VGC posted 31/05/2017, 08:48
Well, damn. I forgot about this.

5 million!
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ExplodingBlock posted 06/06/2016, 04:47
Glad this great game is still selling
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Kerotan posted 03/05/2016, 03:13
It's guaranteed to hit 5m now. Very successful collection.
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