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Supermassive Games Ltd.



Other Versions

PC, PS3, PS5

Release Dates

08/25/15 Sony Computer Entertainment
08/27/15 Sony Computer Entertainment
08/28/15 Sony Computer Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 33
Favorite: 5
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 2

Avg Community Rating:


Until Dawn (PS4) > Opinions (40)

Machina posted 23/12/2023, 02:21
4.03 million as of Feb 22.

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Scary4Eva posted 05/08/2019, 04:45
Love this game.
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Lekzie69 posted 21/10/2018, 04:00
until dawn sales = sunset overdrive + quantum break sales
congrats supermassive
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pitzy272 posted 14/04/2017, 06:02
Just finished this with my buddy. This game was so freakin good! We both were surprised at how good it was. Very well done. I can't wait to see what supermassive games comes out with next.
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Dallinor posted 21/12/2016, 09:42
My favorite game this gen.
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WagnerPaiva posted 11/11/2016, 06:16
Just finished my first playthrough. amazing game!
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bluedawgs posted 19/10/2016, 08:44
bit of a coincidence that you seem to have nothing but praise for pretty much every xbox exclusive but seem to be dissapointed in pretty much every ps4 exclusive, isn't that a bit odd puggsly?
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Mr Puggsly posted 07/10/2016, 08:27
Its a unique game but it didn't grab my attention as much as I hoped. Much of the time is spent exploring uninteresting environments and jump scares. Compared to Telltale games or Heavy Rain it feels poorly paced.

Overall it has a decent story, the graphics are fantastic, and its certainly unique compared to other story driven titles. If the pacing was better and perhaps the game was shorter, it would be easier to recommend. Little value so it was never worth $60.
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hiccupthehuman posted 04/05/2016, 02:57
Glad it's doing well. We need more story-driven single-player games. And good ones too!
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Azhraell posted 06/01/2016, 08:16
Huh, pretty good sales... maybe it can reach 2m lt ith digital
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AbrahamHamdan posted 24/12/2015, 10:32
1.15 Mil!!! I think being played on youtube helped the game become a success.
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Colocho posted 19/12/2015, 11:38
1M!!!! And December barely started !! This game is selling like hot cakes!!!! Never mine the fact that this is a new IP, from a small developer, and with a nearly non existent marketing campaign!!!
Can it reach 1.5M on whts left of this year??
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xboxonefan posted 19/12/2015, 09:28
1 million
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Rob5VGC posted 19/12/2015, 08:45
Yes! 1 million.
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FloatingWaffles posted 19/12/2015, 04:22
Well deserved, this game is great.
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Eikichi134 posted 19/12/2015, 01:43
What do you guys think UD will do lifetime? Will it reach 2.5-3m?
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Roronaa_chan posted 19/12/2015, 12:29
Actually, never mind you're right. Still under tracked but less
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Roronaa_chan posted 19/12/2015, 12:27
Teeqoz that's NA, not US.
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OneKartVita posted 17/12/2015, 02:30
If you click the USA tab it says 181k. Either way great news. It's undertracked. So that means it did even better than we already thought and is a million seller already. Congrats!
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Teeqoz posted 16/12/2015, 11:44
VGC has it at 227k in the US, Roronaa.
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Roronaa_chan posted 16/12/2015, 08:44
More accurately, VGC has the US numbers at 181k, so almost 100k undertracked
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Roronaa_chan posted 16/12/2015, 08:31
Under tracked, it has sold 275k in the US alone, here it's 250k in all of NA.
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darkneal posted 14/12/2015, 10:25
@Boutros - The graph doesn't tell the full story. Look at the first 10 weeks which VGChartz only give definite numbers for. Forget the massive week 1 Until Dawn had compared to Alan wake. If you start Alan wake's 2nd week from Until Dawn's 2nd week, the give and take makes them pretty much identical. So I stand by my statement. @Colocho - Its not an irrelevant comparison. It was also a statement made in general terms, ie: both games are brilliant but under-appreciated, with the hardcore (me, in both cases) trying to get the doubtful just to try the damn game cause its so good! Gradually building a following that will get them both sequels eventually. You could put Mirror's Edge in this bracket also, even though the genre is different in that case.
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Colocho posted 14/12/2015, 05:52
@Boutros, u may b right. But not the place to discus Alan Wake.
Have u played Until Dawn? This game was amazing.... by far the best game I played all yr! I hope more people get to experience this gem.
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Boutros posted 14/12/2015, 01:48
I don't think we know if Alan Wake on the 360 met expectations or not. The PC version sold really well though.
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Boutros posted 14/12/2015, 01:47
"Performing exactly like Alan Wake"[]=Alan+Wake+%28X360%29+[13817]&game[]=Until+Dawn+%28PS4%29+[84124]&game[]=&game[]=
Why am I seeing two lines?
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Colocho posted 13/12/2015, 02:52
Comparing it to Alan Wake is irrelevant... besides, Alan Wake sold good enough to warrant a sequel, no? Which means it was successful in MS' eyes. Amyway, UD is selling amazingly well.... Im sure not a lot of people were expecting much from this game, my self included. I wont b surprised if this game ends north of 2m ltd.
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darkneal posted 13/12/2015, 11:42
@Boutros - yes it fucking is lol
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Boutros posted 13/12/2015, 03:10
It's not performing at all like Alan Wake lol...
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darkneal posted 03/12/2015, 08:26
It may pass 1mill by new year...just. but most of tha will be because its gone half price. This game is performing exactly as Alan Wake did on xbox 360 and we all know what a hard time PS3 owners gave that games performance at the time. Wake, of course, is now considered a classic...a title im sure this game will attain in the years to come, as well as the sales.
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tokilamockingbrd posted 30/11/2015, 07:45
well, with all of the deal on the game it will no doubt pass 1 million. I have no doubt that Until Dawn 2 has been given the greenlight.
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Colocho posted 08/11/2015, 03:24
Weak?? R we looking at the same #s??? It'll be past the 1m figure by year end... thats great for a new franchise!
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fluky-nintendy posted 06/11/2015, 05:08
I hope they got some money out of those billions of youtube views cause in terms of sales, numbers are pretty weak.
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SubiyaCryolite posted 03/11/2015, 10:40
Im so glad that the game is doing well
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Colocho posted 03/11/2015, 12:45
@ Qwark. Oh I have no doubt that it will. Im sure its currently very close to it due to strong word of mouth (best type of marketin there is)
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Qwark posted 02/11/2015, 03:57
Go Europe at this rate this game might become a million seller this year
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darkneal posted 01/11/2015, 08:35
@Colocho - i guess it was those remarks that had me expecting more. Without those comments these figures are quite respectful...

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Colocho posted 01/11/2015, 06:43
@darkneal. Word of mouth was Very strong for this tittle. Im sure the legs for this game r Amazing. Im sure that if Shu mentioned that the success of this game caught everyone at SONY by surprise, the sales were well above average.
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darkneal posted 31/10/2015, 05:21
Hmm hardly the surprise sleeper hit the publisher was spouting to the media(without official figures ominously) even if it scrapes to 1mill lifetime it'l only be a small profit. This is about what i was expecting, it deserves more imo.
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SnakeDrake posted 30/10/2015, 01:12
1 mil mark possible
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Shipping Total

4,039,000 Units
As of: February 2022

Opinion (40)

Machina posted 23/12/2023, 02:21
4.03 million as of Feb 22.

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Scary4Eva posted 05/08/2019, 04:45
Love this game.
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Lekzie69 posted 21/10/2018, 04:00
until dawn sales = sunset overdrive + quantum break sales
congrats supermassive
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pitzy272 posted 14/04/2017, 06:02
Just finished this with my buddy. This game was so freakin good! We both were surprised at how good it was. Very well done. I can't wait to see what supermassive games comes out with next.
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Dallinor posted 21/12/2016, 09:42
My favorite game this gen.
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WagnerPaiva posted 11/11/2016, 06:16
Just finished my first playthrough. amazing game!
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