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Sumo Digital



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Release Dates

11/18/14 Sony Computer Entertainment
12/04/14 Sony Computer Entertainment
11/26/14 Sony Computer Entertainment

Community Stats

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LittleBigPlanet 3 (PS4) > Opinions (54)

Machina posted 23/12/2023, 02:22
Ended up at 5.5 million.

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FloatingWaffles posted 24/12/2015, 02:10

Even if we both agree that it will have long legs just like any other LBP game, it still is just really off that it hasn't sold much more than this by now. I mean think about it. It's not like this was a new IP launching on the PS4, LBP is a big Sony IP in which the previous console installments all sold very well. It's not like this wasn't marketed either, this was marketed heavily. I saw tons of TV ads of LBP3 all the time back when it launched. I'm just generally curious as to why this one hasn't sold as well as it should have so far.

I'm probably just letting my inner fanboy of the LBP series get the better of me though. It will still sell well like all the other LBP's eventually, so there's nothing to worry about.
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TrevDaRev posted 24/12/2015, 12:25
It's legs are comparable to the other games. It's did 2.10 million across both platforms.

LBP3 did just over 1.278 million last year. This year it's sold over 852k. It sold over 70k last week and it should have two big weeks ahead of it. Most likely it'll end up over 1 million for the year.

Then you have to take into account its digital sales.
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FloatingWaffles posted 23/12/2015, 01:37

Not by LittleBigPlanet standards though. Just check out the other games. This should have easily hit 2m+by now. LBP is a series that usually has long legs though so I expect this will reach LBP standard of sales over time eventually, but it just depends on how long.
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fireburn95 posted 18/12/2015, 02:48
2 mill across both platform, thats pretty good
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IamAwsome posted 14/12/2015, 04:02
This game should have good legs but not as good as the past two.
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LipeJJ posted 21/11/2015, 05:13
I expected better legs for this game. Hopefully holidays give it a boost!
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binary solo posted 10/08/2015, 03:53
Should form the core of a family bundle this holidays. LBP3+Rocket League download voucher+something else that's not Knack
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fireburn95 posted 27/07/2015, 06:32
The people who pick up ps4 early are the hardcore gamers who want action games. LBP would have fared better if it released sorta nowish when the core and the family audience are jumping in
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FloatingWaffles posted 10/07/2015, 02:42
I still don't understand why this hasn't sold as well as the others. Did the popularity of LBP go down or something? It's a big Sony IP and the original sold 5m, then the sequel sold very well too. I remember seeing ads for this a lot on TV as well so its not like Sony didn't market it. LittleBigPlanet is usually the type of game to have long legs though so it should keep selling better over time. I still hope this can eventually catch up to the original LBP in sales.
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Kerotan posted 04/02/2015, 07:59
1 million dollars!
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gustave154 posted 02/02/2015, 06:43
wow 1 million good job
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fireburn95 posted 26/01/2015, 10:48
Not bad - 1m and still selling, especially when I havent seen any form of advertising for this in UK. LBP2 was marketed here like crazy.
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FloatingWaffles posted 24/01/2015, 12:44

I understand that it would be hard because of how well the original LBP sold, but like you said usually LBP games have good legs so i'm hoping the same word of mouth and legs should do the same for this one like they've done for every LBP game in the past.

Plus at the rate the PS4 is selling this should have an easier time I would think.
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pitzy272 posted 23/01/2015, 11:07
I wish it would, but that is next to impossible. LBP 1 sold so amazing bc word of mouth gave it huge legs.
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FloatingWaffles posted 22/01/2015, 11:58
I hope this becomes the best selling LBP and manages to outsell the original LBP.
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Tridrakious posted 19/01/2015, 11:32
Another game that had tremendous issues at launch that still sold well. Need to go back to it and see how it holds up.
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think-man posted 15/01/2015, 11:08
Great game, japan doesn't seem to like much that isn't developed in their country
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fluky-nintendy posted 14/01/2015, 05:34
Japan doesnt like funny games anymore :(
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mii-gamer posted 11/01/2015, 03:49
Sony should be really happy with lbp3 performance
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Kerotan posted 10/01/2015, 08:44
I meant digital as in people who went to the store and bought it. Not people with a code from a bundle. But yes I agree, very good sales.
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Jaywood2010 posted 09/01/2015, 02:47
Good numbers btw :)
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Jaywood2010 posted 09/01/2015, 02:47
@Kerotan - Digital bundles are still counted towards VGC sales.
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Ninsect posted 09/01/2015, 12:23
Wow, better week than I expected. Great sales.
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Kerotan posted 09/01/2015, 02:57
yeah should squeeze 1M with the last week of the year added. Well done Sumo.
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Groundking posted 09/01/2015, 02:04
So close to 1m, should be 27th/28th million seller next week.
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TrevDaRev posted 09/01/2015, 01:55
Total combined sales as of 27th, December, 1.28 million.
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TrevDaRev posted 08/01/2015, 12:52
Total combined sales as of 20th, December, 1.05 million.
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Ninsect posted 07/01/2015, 05:19
Oh and it's already 1m+ with both versions combined.
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Ninsect posted 07/01/2015, 05:18
Very nice boost this week. Hopefully it can sell 1m this year. Might come a few dozen k short though.
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TrevDaRev posted 05/01/2015, 02:26
@Groundking: I'm just adding the PS4 & PS3 numbers together.
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Groundking posted 04/01/2015, 02:04
Trev can you explain where you're getting your numbers from?
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TrevDaRev posted 03/01/2015, 04:45
Total combined sales as of 13th, December. 847k.
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Kerotan posted 03/01/2015, 04:23
600k in 4 weeks. many a title would bite your hand off for sales like that. pretty good and it's at 850k if you include the PS3 version. Million seller with the next week of updates. (plus digital makes it a safe bet).
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Ninsect posted 03/01/2015, 03:27
Already 600k+!
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Galahaddy posted 03/01/2015, 02:54
Nice hold.
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Kerotan posted 02/01/2015, 04:00
Bundle was a digital code not a retail copy. This game is selling well considering the lack of hype it had
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Jaywood2010 posted 24/12/2014, 01:41
As I said previously, black friday bundle would really help it out. Is the bundle still going now? As long as its bundled id say it will hit 1m this holiday. It doesnt appear to sell too well without the bundle though so if its not bundled still then it may not make it this year. Lifetime easily though
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thedawghousev2 posted 20/12/2014, 07:32
lol at the xbox fan at the bottom saying this game flopped, already outsold sunset overdrive on ps4 alone with not even a fraction of the marketing put towards sunset overdrive
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TrevDaRev posted 19/12/2014, 06:42
Total combined sales as of 6th, December. 683k.
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Ninsect posted 19/12/2014, 05:59
Look at the little "flop" go
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fluky-nintendy posted 19/12/2014, 05:18
Half a million already. Should have pretty good looking legs.
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Kerotan posted 15/12/2014, 11:17
Will hit 1M easily.
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TrevDaRev posted 15/12/2014, 05:31
So its real first week on PS4 is around 246k.

Total FW sales (PS4&PS3) is around 317k. Total combined sales as of 29th, November. 439k.
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Ninsect posted 15/12/2014, 03:57
Surely it can reach 1m before the end of 2014!
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Ninsect posted 15/12/2014, 12:36
110k launch week in Europe! Very good
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think-man posted 12/12/2014, 07:53
Hope it has legs, i haven't picked this up yet but will do when i have the money
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darkenergy posted 07/12/2014, 10:06
@kyuu it's a baby minecraft? Excuse me while I laugh...

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Ninsect posted 06/12/2014, 08:50
Second week>First week. Epic
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sales2099 posted 05/12/2014, 09:12
We stay out of here, you guys stay off SO, it is a good deal. That said, I want a public apology from someone here for shots fired on SO's page :P Even if you didn't make a comment. You apologizing on behalf of your people will be sufficient.


Think A and B are the result of this IP winding down since the origional. That and D......Minecraft is out almost everywhere. PS3/PS4 owners giving MS that sweet sweet money every week, thus reducing the desire to buy another creation game like LBP3.
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MrSensical posted 01/12/2014, 12:20
Keep in mind it only released in NA (perhaps Canada...?) on the 18th, so it sold about 130,000 copies (PS3 and PS4 version sales combined) in 4 days in America, I think that's pretty good but hey, that's just me.
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ExplodingBlock posted 30/11/2014, 03:58
Flippity Flip Flop
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Jaywood2010 posted 29/11/2014, 09:51
Weird, seems like Xbox games are filled with Sony member's comments but sony games has none?

Oh well. id imagine this game will have a pretty significant boost with the black friday bundle. Always did like the LBP games. Debating on LBP Vita or 3 as my next buy. Not sure which to get yet
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Xevross posted 11/06/2014, 04:28
Release date is November 2014
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Shipping Total

5,542,000 Units
As of: February 2022

Opinion (54)

Machina posted 23/12/2023, 02:22
Ended up at 5.5 million.

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FloatingWaffles posted 24/12/2015, 02:10

Even if we both agree that it will have long legs just like any other LBP game, it still is just really off that it hasn't sold much more than this by now. I mean think about it. It's not like this was a new IP launching on the PS4, LBP is a big Sony IP in which the previous console installments all sold very well. It's not like this wasn't marketed either, this was marketed heavily. I saw tons of TV ads of LBP3 all the time back when it launched. I'm just generally curious as to why this one hasn't sold as well as it should have so far.

I'm probably just letting my inner fanboy of the LBP series get the better of me though. It will still sell well like all the other LBP's eventually, so there's nothing to worry about.
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TrevDaRev posted 24/12/2015, 12:25
It's legs are comparable to the other games. It's did 2.10 million across both platforms.

LBP3 did just over 1.278 million last year. This year it's sold over 852k. It sold over 70k last week and it should have two big weeks ahead of it. Most likely it'll end up over 1 million for the year.

Then you have to take into account its digital sales.
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FloatingWaffles posted 23/12/2015, 01:37

Not by LittleBigPlanet standards though. Just check out the other games. This should have easily hit 2m+by now. LBP is a series that usually has long legs though so I expect this will reach LBP standard of sales over time eventually, but it just depends on how long.
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fireburn95 posted 18/12/2015, 02:48
2 mill across both platform, thats pretty good
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IamAwsome posted 14/12/2015, 04:02
This game should have good legs but not as good as the past two.
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