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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

Ousama Monogatari



Cing Inc. / Town Factory



Other Versions


Release Dates

07/21/09 Xseed Games
09/03/09 Marvelous Interactive
04/24/09 Rising Star

Community Stats

Owners: 288
Favorite: 20
Tracked: 3
Wishlist: 5
Now Playing: 19

Avg Community Rating:


Little King's Story (Wii) > Opinions (260)

 1  2  3 
WhiteX posted 08/08/2009, 03:33
MArvelous president said that 300.000 copies sold is good for any game, so there´s still chance.
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SaviorX posted 08/08/2009, 02:05
Can you blame people for not buying this game? The little advertising it received was atrocious.

I've heard many good things about the game. However, after seeing its official trailer, I was heavily turned OFF from buying it..

It is lucky it sold this much so far.
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vonboysp posted 07/08/2009, 03:22
sadly, rudyrsr8, i think this game will win the award of "best game no one played" :,(
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rudyrsr8 posted 07/08/2009, 03:49
I believe this will be my game of the year vote.
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noname2200 posted 05/08/2009, 03:09
More than I would have guessed!

Which is still not a lot, to be honest...
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Torillian posted 05/08/2009, 01:32
But how much of that 25% are their online sales? Which is the only thing's list is indicative of.
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Paul posted 03/08/2009, 05:53
Walmart is said to represent 25% of the us video game market so it's an anecdote-a-la-carte with some weight behind it.
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vonboysp posted 03/08/2009, 09:22 favorite!

anyway, yes, the games faring a little better in the americas.
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Paul posted 02/08/2009, 09:08
I just noticed that lists their top one hundred games and this was sitting at around #60. Definitely not a total flop.
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vonboysp posted 02/08/2009, 03:58
my tyrant campaign isn't faring too well (aka, i got beaten to a bloody red pulp by the second mini-boss ten times, screw this), so i'm gonna start another game on hard in stead.
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diendong posted 02/08/2009, 09:37
This game is a keeper and a complete must buy. It'll keep you busy for hours and days. Every time I want to rest myself from the game, I just keep coming back to LKS.
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pariz posted 02/08/2009, 02:52
I love this game so much... I just wished it would sell a hell lot better than this, because it is seriously a masterpiece.
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WhiteX posted 02/08/2009, 01:44
perhaps it can get better at holiday season.
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noname2200 posted 01/08/2009, 07:45
Alright, only 100k more to go in N.A.!
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Xen posted 01/08/2009, 03:44
It's doing rather good for how niche it is... I wonder what can NA muster up for the following weeks...
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Kenology posted 01/08/2009, 01:33
Nice Americas launch!
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Buzzi posted 01/08/2009, 10:01
in US this sold 3 times what it had sold in EU, so maybe 150k won't be impossible to reach, bringing LKS to 200+k LTD...
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rockleemexico posted 01/08/2009, 09:48
good sales, i will buy it in a few weeks XD
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marcianito posted 01/08/2009, 07:20
good sales IMO
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vonboysp posted 01/08/2009, 04:35
i'm fairly happy with the americas launch. looks like it's on it's way to 100k here (what they wanted) at least it's in the top 25 for that week (wasn't even in top 50 in europe first week i don't think.)

kinda unsure how the next few weeks will go. in europe, week 2 was actually higher than week 1, but that might not happen here. just have to wait and see.
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SaviorX posted 31/07/2009, 10:57
OK launch in Americas.
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vonboysp posted 31/07/2009, 04:37
well, if you think about it, thats a million dollars in revenue. probably a lot for a small developer. (and yes, i know the devs only get a fraction of that.)
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BoneArk posted 31/07/2009, 04:35
No More Heroes also got adjusted up by 40k.
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noname2200 posted 31/07/2009, 03:12
Hey, if that's what it apparently takes...>_>
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 31/07/2009, 12:34
Because of an extra 20k sales? :P
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vonboysp posted 31/07/2009, 07:29
i guess that sequels status has been ungraded from "NEVER!" to "maybe".
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noname2200 posted 31/07/2009, 03:31
It's been adjusted upwards since yesterday.

I take full and complete credit.
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z101 posted 30/07/2009, 09:59
Friend in USA told me that this game is almost nowhere to be found. And when a little shop has one copy only a a high price.

The same thing happened here in germany on the release. How could a game sell with this bad distribution?
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scottie posted 30/07/2009, 08:57
Just beat the Onii king, and am very much getting into this game (I found it a tad underwhelming at first) Now I'm loving it
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vonboysp posted 30/07/2009, 04:08
are the eu sales numbers gonna be adjusted any?
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palancas7 posted 29/07/2009, 02:02
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NeoStar9 posted 29/07/2009, 12:33
Great game. Just wish it was advertisd more. Nintendo wonders why more hardcore games aren't selling? Perhaps if they had been more critical of the crap that was released by third parties and actually gave their endorsing stamp to solid games like Little King's Story they'd sell more. If Nintendo backs something or gives there approval people will give them more of a serious look. Especially if they are looking for more games that are similar to Nintendo games in terms of fun and quality.
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noname2200 posted 29/07/2009, 03:39
By the end of June, it had shipped 68,000 units in Europe alone. Only a little bomba!
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Roflinator posted 28/07/2009, 06:07
Shame that the better 3rd party Wii games tends to sell worse, but this is usually because they don't really have much appeal to the mass. :(
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mai posted 28/07/2009, 05:23
Yeap, nothing new under the sun.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 28/07/2009, 05:12
Has a game this good ever bombed this hard?
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vonboysp posted 28/07/2009, 03:49
any idea of first week na sales? i'm thinking it was at least more than 5.
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noname2200 posted 27/07/2009, 05:21
Bomba total!

Which sucks, 'cause it's a fantastic game.
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Skorpion posted 27/07/2009, 03:19
It saddens me a gem like this is so obscure and is going to go unnoticed, hopefully sales will be steady over time. Maybe a holiday boost will help too. The word is slowly getting out to people
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Graves posted 27/07/2009, 06:54
I think this game will sell like 6K first week NA. Its an obscure game and its $50. That's a bad combo.
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Fleeman posted 27/07/2009, 06:02
I hope the sales in the americans are huge maybe it will convince Cing to bring over Another Code R
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Paul posted 27/07/2009, 03:46
I just got this and played for four hours. It's great so far and extremly addictive.
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theARTIST0017 posted 26/07/2009, 09:16
im broke. but i will be getting NSMB later this year ! ! !
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sizynski posted 26/07/2009, 05:51
I'm going to guess 16,000 first week.
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Arfen posted 26/07/2009, 12:13
I hope NA release make increase this game sales. Maybe the best Wii game of the year. One of the best Wii games forma a third and one of those games that makes a console great and different.

Buy it, you will not repent of
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KingHenry posted 26/07/2009, 05:15
This game looks fun. I'm hoping it delivers, now only if i could find a copy somewhere.
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IxisNaugus posted 24/07/2009, 06:22
@ Voltaire. Not sure if it has been around as long as AUS though it's definitely out over here, and has been for a bit.

On that note, i just got my copy today! :3
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BoneArk posted 23/07/2009, 05:16
I went to and DAMN! the reviews are insane for this game. I'm considering buying this game now. :)
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Skorpion posted 23/07/2009, 03:03
It's been consistently in the top 25 for wii on amazon the last week. My gamestop had two new copies on the shelf still when I went though :( The guy working there had no idea about it either.
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Zucas posted 23/07/2009, 03:40
Not much consolation but sold out today at my Gamestop I work at. Only had 3 copies shipped though haha. But hey a sellout is a sellout.
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Arfen posted 22/07/2009, 01:47
I hate how goodat games, sell so bad on Wii.

Less piracy and more media attention to these games please!

LKS is GREAT. There's no doubt, buy it!!

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SaviorX posted 22/07/2009, 03:02
The publisher expectations were:
45k Japan, 120k America, 124k Europe.

Europe won't follow through on that promise, and I doubt any other territory will either. I guessed 25k 1st week WW back in April, but it will need a lot of luck to reach that.
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Voltaire posted 22/07/2009, 12:58
Has it released in Europe yet? IGN says its Australia only. IF so, 30k is pretty good.
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sizynski posted 21/07/2009, 04:28
Can't wait to go buy this today or tomorrow.
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Asriel posted 19/07/2009, 10:12
This is the best 3rd party Wii game I've played. It makes me sad to see such low sales.
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sparkit34 posted 10/07/2009, 11:26
I am about 15 hours into the game now, and i love it. I really hope more people go out and discover this game.
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Madanial posted 10/07/2009, 09:46
I still waiting to get this game, it take too long to wait now. ( T_T)'
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Zornica posted 08/07/2009, 07:27
this game needs more advertisement. by far the best game of 09 so far.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 08/07/2009, 05:26
another truth is that the cover and name make it look like shovelware to most people's eyes : (
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 08/07/2009, 05:24
wtf, i couldn't find this game in any shop here, how do they expect it to sell?
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mandisc posted 06/07/2009, 11:12
this game is so awesome
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KingEidilleg posted 06/07/2009, 07:32
I can only hope the Americans will actually realise this game's awesomeness. The game is not advertised here in Holland and only available at shops specializing in videogames...
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Voltaire posted 06/07/2009, 03:15
Where are all the hardcore bitching about how Wii has no good games...
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Barozi posted 06/07/2009, 12:36
I've indeed seen a TV spot for Little King's Story in Germany.
Can't say anything about other countries, but this game is advertised here.
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Skorpion posted 01/07/2009, 05:46
Just preordered, everyone who is going to buy it should do the same to show support. It might not even make it to shelves if there aren't enough pre orders.
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dampowell posted 01/07/2009, 05:11
Grassroots movement... Tell everyone you know about this game.
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noname2200 posted 27/06/2009, 07:29
One more month for poor noname...
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fairyliar posted 26/06/2009, 11:29
just received it today, the game is great with nice graphics and sound. So poor sales for such a good game...but no ad and 60€ in France and poorly retailed. I got it from amazon uk for only 25€, I can't explain rationnaly such a gap between price in France and in the UK...
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ash3336 posted 17/06/2009, 08:22
In the TV ad they could even put the highest reviewed scores to show the customers that it is an amazing game.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 17/06/2009, 05:54
a nice TV ad would help in this case.....

people do not know how good the game is and just 10,000 who saw about it on the internet cannot spread to whole europe
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ash3336 posted 15/06/2009, 04:03
At this rate 50-60k would be really nice from Others.
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Quilex posted 14/06/2009, 03:47
My wife bought this for me as an anniversary gift. It is truly amazing not what I was is better. I have seen it available in the UK but never in great numbers or in prime spots.
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ash3336 posted 13/06/2009, 04:04
Ok I understand about Europe but what about Australia?

This is a total gem. 87 Metascore which will increase as more reviewers in NA review it. What more do you want? Atleast 150-200k would be nice from Others.
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IxisNaugus posted 12/06/2009, 12:57
XiaoMay is correct. Incidentally, mfogg20 and hansolo14 are also correct.

@ dark. You forgot to put Sonic in that little list of yours.

Eventually i'll pick this up. Probably sooner than i hope, there is a lot i need to pick up actually, unfortunately things have been put on hold as my focus is turned to the purchase of a DSi. Make no mistake though, once that i is bought, this, Punch-Out and many otherwise will be mine.
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hansolo14 posted 10/06/2009, 05:35
Europe have a big problem with piracy
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XiaoMay posted 09/06/2009, 12:44
Europe (we) have a BIG problem with casual games and crappy games : ubisoft and co are overloading us with it !

Consequence : good games flop (Madworld, LKS, Punch OUt !!!!)

You guys in America have my respect for buying such games. Thanks !
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mfogg20 posted 08/06/2009, 11:07
Europe is letting this game down. Punch out too. Go buy these games
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hansolo14 posted 07/06/2009, 10:01
This is the only game that can steal the crown from galaxy as the all time best Wii game
BTW I hope this game at least reach the 300k
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tealovertoma posted 07/06/2009, 08:36
It's in stock at Zavvi's for £18... that's for everyone in Europe (they ship for €1). Now you really don't have an excuse not to get it, people.
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SJGohan3972 posted 05/06/2009, 06:27
next month this will be mine

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IxisNaugus posted 05/06/2009, 03:29
This is definitely on my to buy list. I'd probably have it already if i wasn't saving for a DSi :\
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WhiteX posted 05/06/2009, 03:12
Guys this is one of the best Wii games ever, i swear on my life, please buy it, find it and buy it.
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rudyrsr8 posted 02/06/2009, 12:28
Everyone that i know that has played it enjoyed the experience so far.
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VivaLaWiida posted 01/06/2009, 11:33

I saw it on a big local electronic market for 49 Euros.
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mandisc posted 31/05/2009, 06:39
I'm in the UK and havent seen this game conveniently placed yet. I have only been in tesco's recently though...Is this definitely worth purchasing?
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rudyrsr8 posted 30/05/2009, 05:40
Is this game easy to find on shelves over there in EU?
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kylohk posted 29/05/2009, 05:37
This game beats ordering plant creatures around, lol.
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teknohick posted 29/05/2009, 03:56
marvelous said they expect it to break 100k in europe, were they really that off? usually their expectations are on the money...
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makingmusic476 posted 27/05/2009, 10:09
Release this in NA dammit. ;_;
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BengaBenga posted 26/05/2009, 10:51
Wow, this game is absolutely fantastic. I simply can't stop playing.
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SayanCatx posted 26/05/2009, 07:29
LKS have an official price at 39.90€ in Spain. In GameStop shops the price is 30€. The horrible sales for this game is caused by a pathetic distribution, it's very difficult find any unit. Also this game has null advertisement.
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WhiteX posted 22/05/2009, 03:57
This game is AAA, go get it, if you do not find it, reserve a copy.
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MonstaMack posted 22/05/2009, 03:37
Wow horrible sales for a highly rated Wii game. Needs more advertisement!
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 21/05/2009, 06:16
the game rules
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 21/05/2009, 06:16
ok, i didn't care when Deadly Creatures, or Tenchu or other great games flopped on Wii, but watching this game to flop makes you think that Wii owners have no taste, or they do not buy games they don't know what they are, only sequels and this kind of stuff

at least they would need to advertise
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Hephaestos posted 18/05/2009, 06:53
arr thought i'd wait a bit to buy this but with these sales i might have to get it before it's gone!

too many games, too little time :x
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MarioGalaxy posted 15/05/2009, 06:24
In Spain this game have a price fixed at 35 €.
I think LKS 'll get a boost in sales when is launched in America.
Who knows...
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fairyliar posted 15/05/2009, 11:51
very poor sales but this game is hard to find in stores in France, moreover it's 60€ there which is quite expensive even though 60€ for a game like this is nothing compared to 30€ for Sports Island!
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naruto3336 posted 14/05/2009, 09:39
This is terrible.... TERRIBLE SALES!
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naruto3336 posted 13/05/2009, 09:28
WTF???? MadWorld and this...
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Buzzi posted 13/05/2009, 03:16
Also there errors, like for Madworld and GTA CTW!!
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bmmb1 posted 13/05/2009, 02:14
What happened to the numbers?
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naruto3336 posted 13/05/2009, 12:01
This game needs advertising AND distrubution. I am hoping for atleast 600-700k copies WW. Marvelous Entertainment is an amazing publisher. With games like this and Muramasa and not to mention No More Heroes in Japan.
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Sommernacht posted 11/05/2009, 08:05
@Milistrius: I am also from Germany but I didn't have any problems finding it. I saw it in different GameStops, Saturn, MediMax and Müller around here... the last time I checked they haven't had it on stock on though...
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Araknie87 posted 11/05/2009, 03:46
i want recent sales.
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joora posted 11/05/2009, 11:28
Amazing game

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angelkitty86 posted 11/05/2009, 10:36
this is an amazing game - tell your friends! spread the word!
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rudyrsr8 posted 09/05/2009, 05:04
,36% of ppl own this game on this site as of week 2 in PAL regions.
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Melistrius posted 08/05/2009, 09:51
No matter which shop I went to in germany, none had it, most even didn't know about it... Well have to order it online and I guess that's why it has such a high spot on amazon... because noone else has it ^^ But I really think it's undertracked... At least the different Club Nintendos in Europe were sold out really fast and I doubt they only had around 10 copies each... We will see...
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I_Heart_Nintendo posted 07/05/2009, 01:53
i see it everywhere in australia. im sure its sold more. i bought it!
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intro94 posted 07/05/2009, 08:00 it simply needs to be released in the huge US market.Which is gonna be soon.
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sparkit34 posted 07/05/2009, 06:32
Forget advertising this game, what this game needs is distribution!!
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bmmb1 posted 07/05/2009, 05:46
"This is Deadly Creatures bad." - it's unfortunately not doing well, but it's not doing THAT bad. It took Deadly Creatures 4 weeks to get to 0.01 in Others.
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naruto3336 posted 07/05/2009, 03:34
I hope that they advertise this game more.
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marcianito posted 07/05/2009, 12:49
did better than last week....I hope we have another professor layton, starting bad and growing some legs
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Daileon posted 06/05/2009, 11:42
I hope it is severelly undertracked.
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drakesfortune posted 06/05/2009, 10:06
Holy bomb in Euroland. This is Deadly Creatures bad.
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Phoenix_Wiight posted 06/05/2009, 09:01
wow, doing terrible =/
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 06/05/2009, 05:02
second week increase! : )
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BoneArk posted 06/05/2009, 04:30
The Nintendo Channel said the game will release on 7/7/09 in NA.
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FrankMstone posted 05/05/2009, 09:36
Fantastic game, just finished in just under 30 hours (but did not complete everything). Hope sales pickup coz I want a sequel.
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mai posted 05/05/2009, 07:24
If this would have been some kind of shooter, ppl would say - "hardcore" games don't sell on Wii. So what now? Games marketed toward kids won't sell on Wii, too? BS. Anyways... I wasn't expecting big sales, but first week figures in EU are depressing.
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XiaoMay posted 05/05/2009, 12:27
Great game

Will take hours to complete
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Yanlukmac posted 04/05/2009, 07:45
it is! and I'm discovering also that is really though!! it's not so easy to complete!!!
By the way one of the best game on WII
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DOLBYdigital posted 04/05/2009, 06:51
From what I have heard this game is very very good. It is very deceiving because of the storybook style but it is quite mature and has you dealing with issues like world domination and polygamy. Its like a pikmin, rts, city building hybrid, or atl east I have heard ;)
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sparkit34 posted 03/05/2009, 07:32
This game is impossible to find!
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kuraobi posted 02/05/2009, 10:24
Yeah apparently there are a few problems with the distribution of the game in Europe. Got mine from internet but shops don't have it or don't have much of it. Let's wait for next week numbers.
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hiska-kun posted 01/05/2009, 10:39
I live in spain and it's very difficult to find this game. I searched all the shops but I couldn't find it. The next week I'll try again.

The distribuation of this game sucks.
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Yanlukmac posted 01/05/2009, 08:54
Bought it
In Italy was launched yesterday.

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Zornica posted 30/04/2009, 06:29
its hard to spot this game between loads of shovelware. thank god i did
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Folkemon posted 30/04/2009, 11:45
It's really a great game and I hope it well become a longseller. This game deserves it!
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rudyrsr8 posted 30/04/2009, 05:56
Dont get pikmin, get LKS
Dont get Pikmin 2, get LKS
Dont get FFCC: EoT, get LKS

I agree.
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Magera posted 30/04/2009, 12:07
4,773 - Unfortunatly that sounds about right. When I bought my copy the guy said it was strange because it was the only one his store got. (and this store was one of the larger Wii retailers).
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joora posted 29/04/2009, 10:21
this game is worth every (euro)cent. Too bad the sales don't reflect it. Another Okami, or even worse.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 29/04/2009, 09:45
Didn't sell enough to even get a rounded total figure...

Ouchies D:
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Smeags posted 29/04/2009, 09:27
I'm guessing 4,774 units sold the first week for NA. That way I wont feel as bad.
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noname2200 posted 29/04/2009, 04:24

I am SOOOOOOO disappointed in the PAL regions, and look forward to being disappointed in America on June 23, Japan TBD.
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Cougarman posted 29/04/2009, 12:56
i got LKS today, only played it for about 30 minutes, very good game so far
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naruto3336 posted 28/04/2009, 09:41
Not tracked?
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WhiteX posted 27/04/2009, 03:02
Go buy it.

Dont get pikmin, get LKS
Dont get Pikmin 2, get LKS
Dont get FFCC: EoT, get LKS

It is by far the best game i played on the Wii this year, better than all the blood and gore of Madworld, it is a great game that deserves our time and money, you will not be dissapointed.

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XiaoMay posted 26/04/2009, 08:45
one of the best game EVER for the Wii !!!
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Killy_Vorkosigan posted 26/04/2009, 06:17
Very very good game. I am really hooked right now. If you liked pikmin, you'll love LKS. There's tons of side quest that take a lot of time to do.
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myki posted 25/04/2009, 05:53
i'm rececing this game by french star point in few weeks! :) for 5000, is another country do this things too?
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rudyrsr8 posted 24/04/2009, 09:05
Yeah, i think im going to get this one b4 Conduit and Overlord. Or all at the same time but finances do not look that strong for this.
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Naum posted 24/04/2009, 07:12
I so love this game.
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PeteyPeeps posted 23/04/2009, 07:57
I Got This Game On Launch, Australia Was The First Country To Get It! ( Amazingly ) and I Can Confirm, BEST WII GAME!
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Naum posted 18/04/2009, 11:14
only 6 more days
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WiiStation360 posted 16/04/2009, 04:18
It got a 9/10 from Edge magazine.
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Hyperion posted 13/04/2009, 10:03
Was this game really delayed to June 23 for America? If so, that would be the same day as The Conduit and Overlord: Dark Legend...Sorry, LKS
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Naum posted 12/04/2009, 07:20
sigh....13 days left...
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lazyrider posted 06/04/2009, 03:25
seems Edge liked the game and I must admit it is looking like a buy for me. Can't wait...
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naruto3336 posted 05/04/2009, 11:28
European people! tell me how the game is so I can make my decision.
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nordlead posted 19/02/2009, 05:53
Confirmed today by rising star. Europe to get the game on the 24th, ~1 month before America.
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Naum posted 14/02/2009, 02:09
Wow a game we Euros get before the NA
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oliist posted 16/01/2009, 11:52
Cute boxart. :)
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Wickedshyn posted 16/01/2009, 08:02
The king looks like a pimp on the box art.
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Phoenix_Wiight posted 09/01/2009, 04:24
honestly, i didnt think this looked good at first, but now i might buy it
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Baddman posted 04/01/2009, 04:12
i can't wait for this game to release
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PEICanada7 posted 15/12/2008, 12:41
Shoot! Why arn't they screen-shots working?
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SmokedHostage posted 21/08/2008, 12:12
-Takes this game's wall virginity-

Looks interesting. I hope it's better than my life as king.
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 1   2   3 

Shipping Total

130,000 Units
As of: September 30th, 2009

Opinion (260)

Gammalad posted 26/08/2014, 08:34
Probably in my top 5 favorite Wii games. I hope Marvelous AQL does something with this IP one day.
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ROFLMAO posted 01/07/2012, 04:41
Very reminiscent of my favourite game, Pikmin, with a mixture of other fantastic things in there too. It is one of the best original games on Wii, very sad that it didn't get more sales.
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ROFLMAO posted 01/07/2012, 04:41
Very reminiscent of my favourite game, Pikmin, with a mixture of other fantastic things in there too. It is one of the best original games on Wii, very sad that it didn't get more sales.
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RedInker posted 09/05/2012, 02:55
An amazing game. I'm replaying it for the first time since it's release and it is filling me with joy again like it did on my first play through. Shame it's sales didn't reach the numbers it deserved.
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kingofbubba posted 30/06/2011, 05:46
It was pretty good. There were a few things that I wish were done differently, but over all it was fun and worth the playthrough
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Fededx posted 22/05/2011, 05:50
Well it seems it's still selling. I have to buy a copy!
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