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Release Dates

11/18/14 Sony Computer Entertainment
12/04/14 Sony Computer Entertainment
11/26/14 Sony Computer Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 1
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Sackboy® is back − and he’s brought along new friends!

PlayStation’s most imaginative franchise, LittleBigPlanet™, is back with a new cast of playable plush characters in the biggest handcrafted adventure yet!

Three all-new hand-stitched heroes will completely change the way you play…

  • Bound over walls as the quick and agile OddSock!
  • Glide through the skies as the majestic Swoop!
  • Transform Toggle between Big Toggle, a heavy strongman; and Little Toggle, a light speedster!

All the new characters are, like Sackboy, fully customizable and there will be plenty of quirky new costumes to collect in the game so you can express your own individuality. 

Source: Sony

Latest Updates

Boxart Added Masked_Muchaco 20th Apr 2018
Boxart Added Masked_Muchaco 20th Apr 2018
Boxart Added Masked_Muchaco 20th Apr 2018
Game Banner Added to Database Masked_Muchaco 20th Apr 2018
Game Summary added to Database IamAwsome 17th Feb 2018
Game Information Updated IamAwsome 17th Feb 2018

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (5)

1 n/a 23,089 n/a 7,855 30,944
2 n/a 12,181 31,095 9,306 52,582
3 2,399 7,253 48,719 10,555 68,926
4 680 10,441 33,318 9,083 53,522
5 388 12,712 35,153 10,160 58,413
6 281 13,657 31,834 9,931 55,703
7 217 4,019 7,382 2,593 14,211
8 126 2,820 2,700 1,407 7,053
9 110 2,240 1,935 1,084 5,369
10 94 1,600 1,532 798 4,024
Mr Puggsly posted 10/01/2015, 10:43
@Ninsect - PS4 may be more profitable for Sony but they still need as much money as they can get. Its not a bad idea to give PS3 some support to encourage future sales.

A game like LPB3 has little if any impact on PS4 sales. Also, fans of PS3 will likely buy a PS4 down the road.
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kivi95 posted 19/12/2014, 10:24
What a waste to make this version. Just a hold back for the PS4 version :/
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Ninsect posted 19/12/2014, 06:06
It can bolster the lineup and make picking up a PS4 instead of a PS3 or instead of keeping that old console a more appealing prospect. PS3 still gets third party games, Sony don't necessarily need to release their own games for it because they'll make a lot more money on PS4 anyway
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Mr Puggsly posted 19/12/2014, 09:04
@Ninsect - Well if Sony wants to continue profiting from PS3 they should give it some support. This isn't the kind of game that will move hardware anyhow.
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Ninsect posted 15/12/2014, 12:39
Why they even released this version is beyond me. Should've made it PS4 only for additional console sales
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