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Alternative Names

Uncharted: Kaizokuou to Saigo no Hihou

アンチャーテッド 海賊王と最後の秘宝


Naughty Dog



Release Dates

05/10/16 Sony Interactive Entertainment
05/10/16 Sony Interactive Entertainment
05/10/16 Sony Interactive Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 113
Favorite: 33
Tracked: 6
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 2

Avg Community Rating:


Latest Sales Updates

18,652,000 Machina 23rd Dec 2023
16,250,000 Marth 21st May 2019
8,700,000 Machina 11th Jan 2019

Latest Player Totals

37,000,000 Machina 06th May 2024

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales
1 128,190 715,173 930,299 397,753 2,171,415
2 20,169 107,266 218,353 72,742 418,530
3 9,792 46,325 128,334 37,065 221,516
4 6,701 40,881 104,472 31,252 183,306
5 3,389 30,140 75,777 22,834 132,140
6 2,137 28,284 69,756 21,202 121,379
7 1,973 25,603 55,798 17,974 101,348
8 1,768 24,627 54,645 17,450 98,490
9 1,466 22,797 45,274 15,272 84,809
10 1,029 20,387 54,271 15,945 91,632

Shipping Total

18,652,000 Units
As of: February 2022

Player Total

37,000,000 Players
As of: May 2021

Opinion (185)

Machina posted 23/12/2023, 02:36
+2.4 million in ~2 years and 9 months.

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CarriedLawyer45 posted 22/08/2020, 05:52
There'll likely be an Uncharted 5 due to this game's success.
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KazumaKiryu posted 03/10/2019, 10:53
Best Game 2016 and my favorite Uncharted-Game with Uncharted 2 of all time :) 17 Million Units.. good to know!
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JustThatGamer posted 16/01/2019, 02:06
@StreaK I'd guess at the very least 2 million are from bundles, look at this chart and see the sudden boost from 4.8m week 28 to over 8m week 33...

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that bundles boosted Uncharted 4 significantly.

Spider-man also got a huge holiday boost from bundles but to a lesser degree. It's a shame Sony will never do the same for God of War, obviously because it's a M rated game so they'll push the more universally accessible content.
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StreaK posted 13/01/2019, 02:35
Yeah, Lekzie...but still how many of these sales come from bundles? I'm guessing at least 2 million.

It probably has around 10 million anyway, with digital sales included and all. I'm really wondering whatthe real TOTAL for this game is right now. In any case, Uncharted has come a LONG way since the PS3 days.
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Lekzie69 posted 03/01/2019, 05:19
@StreaK sony build a reputation during the last days of the ps3 when it comes to 1st party games due to its last released games from naughty dog, tlour and uc ndc are good example a lot of people bought it on the ps4 that havent played the ps3 version
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