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All, PS3, Series, X360, XOne

Release Dates

09/09/14 Activision
09/11/14 Sony Computer Entertainment
09/09/14 Activision

Community Stats

Owners: 23
Favorite: 2
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 1

Avg Community Rating:


Destiny - FAQs

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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (57)

1 90,326 874,010 761,327 423,744 2,149,407
2 12,957 182,904 159,088 88,637 443,586
3 6,518 115,982 99,531 55,984 278,015
4 3,434 87,751 68,243 41,183 200,611
5 2,046 50,133 39,101 23,548 114,828
6 1,488 33,930 29,562 16,452 81,432
7 1,166 23,432 24,395 12,022 61,015
8 432 19,570 24,859 10,784 55,645
9 971 22,969 31,020 12,964 67,924
10 851 21,115 28,881 11,978 62,825
oniyide posted 12/01/2016, 09:03
im torn, i actually have fun playing the game BUT there is so much nonsense being put upon it its distracting, especially for whoever got it before the Taken King DLC.
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teamsilent13 posted 19/11/2015, 11:46
I'm with puggsly on this one. Multiplayer is a cluster fudge and way too easy. Then, there is literally no penalty at all in the game for death or failure. You get stuff done more efficiently by rushing through it recklessly than playing smart. They put a carrot in front of the player to chase and every DLC make all your progress for the past several months irrelevant. It's got everything I dislike about MMOs in it and not in any way the best FPS mechanics.
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metalgear3 posted 15/07/2015, 03:39
More than likely I am going to be gameflying this game when I get my PS4.. I have a lot of catching up to do since most of my friends had the game for a little over a month.
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Mr Puggsly posted 11/07/2015, 05:10
@tokilamockingbrd - I was just at Gamestop earlier today, its $20 brand new. Same goes for Amazon and cheaper used.
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HEMSTAR posted 08/07/2015, 03:19
@fireburn95 - Haaa! Destiny better than COD4, come on now.
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tokilamockingbrd posted 06/07/2015, 07:56
give it up Puggs. I have seen you hate on this game for over year. Leave it alone. You don't like it fine, you have your reasons. The game is still in the top 30 after 10 months on the market that alone speaks for how most people perceive its quality. If it were as bad as you say the used game market would be flooded and few would be buying it new because used versions would be dirt cheap,
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