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Harmonix Music Systems



Release Dates

10/16/12 Microsoft
10/18/12 Microsoft
10/19/12 Microsoft

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Dance Central 3 - Screenshots

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (6)

1 n/a 43,995 2,523 6,951 53,469
2 n/a 20,377 2,985 3,491 26,853
3 n/a 10,949 3,221 2,117 16,287
4 n/a 13,119 3,471 2,479 19,069
5 n/a 16,219 4,953 3,164 24,336
6 n/a 24,816 5,335 5,740 35,891
7 n/a 36,750 8,793 8,553 54,096
8 n/a 33,275 10,584 7,902 51,761
9 n/a 37,778 14,420 9,116 61,314
10 n/a 47,450 21,589 11,658 80,697
T.Rexington posted 08/01/2013, 10:25
Still managed to sell nraly half a million units. This will probably be a million seller eventually. Hell, it could pull a Disneyland Adventures and sell 1.2 million units next year. Plus, it really can't be denied that Just Dance eats into Dance Central sales. There's a reason why DC1 is still the best selling Dance Central game. No Just Dance upon release. If Just Dance released side by side, there might not have even been a Dance Central 2.
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oniyide posted 03/01/2013, 01:08
oh please, Book of Spells be damned, This game is not doing so hot, considering how well the last two did. Just Dance eating into its sales? You can make that argument anytime a game doesnt do to well.
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Mr Puggsly posted 25/12/2012, 03:44
@ VGKing - Well that's the kind of great observation you'd expect from a Sony fan.

Just Dance 4 is probably eating into its sales. That is at 500K~. Perhap Dance Central 1 and 2 are partially to blame as well.

You'll see a boost in the coming weeks and it will trounce Book of Spells even more.
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T.Rexington posted 15/12/2012, 03:59
A few bullet points:

- It has to contend with cheaper versions of the same game
- has to contend with Just Dance, which did over a million with Just Dance 3
- sales have actually picked up for the game by about 150,000 to 200,000. It was pretty stagnant at 100,000, this is a game that sells big over xmas and will have low sales through out 2013, but will still sell often enough to gain ground to a million copies for next years holiday.
- I wouldn't put much into book of spells into being higher when it just came out. Sales are always higher at release, and they're still about half of DC3's sales.

MS should've released this around christmas time but didn't, which has me scratching my head personally.
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VGKing posted 14/12/2012, 06:22
How come this game flopped so hard? Been seeing ads all over the place for weeks now.....this is selling below Wonderbook: Book of Spells......I thought Kinect install base was much higher than Move?
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T.Rexington posted 25/07/2012, 07:07
Just saw the storyline trailer for DC3. I was wondering how Harmonix was gonna improve DC3 and this addition seems pretty awesome. It's now wonder that Harmonix has been able to make music games for so long.
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