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Naughty Dog



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Release Dates

06/14/13 Sony Computer Entertainment America
06/20/13 Sony Computer Entertainment
06/14/13 Sony Computer Entertainment Europe

Community Stats

Owners: 183
Favorite: 81
Tracked: 31
Wishlist: 2
Now Playing: 18

Avg Community Rating:



The Last of Us is a genre-defining experience that blends survival and action elements to tell a character driven tale about a modern plague decimating mankind. Nature encroaches upon civilization, forcing remaining survivors to kill for food, weapons and whatever they can find.

Joel, a ruthless survivor, and Ellie, a brave young teenage girl who is wise beyond her years, must work together to survive their journey across what remains of the United States.



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Game Extras Added to Database hellobion2 21st Jan 2024
Game Extras Added to Database hellobion2 21st Jan 2024
Game Extras Added to Database hellobion2 21st Jan 2024
Game Extras Added to Database hellobion2 21st Jan 2024
Game Extras Added to Database hellobion2 21st Jan 2024
Game Extras Added to Database hellobion2 21st Jan 2024
Game Extras Added to Database hellobion2 21st Jan 2024
Game Extras Added to Database hellobion2 21st Jan 2024
Game Extras Added to Database hellobion2 21st Jan 2024
Game Extras Added to Database hellobion2 21st Jan 2024
Game Extras Added to Database hellobion2 21st Jan 2024
Game Extras Added to Database hellobion2 21st Jan 2024
Game Extras Added to Database hellobion2 21st Jan 2024
Game Extras Added to Database hellobion2 21st Jan 2024
Game Extras Added to Database hellobion2 21st Jan 2024

Shipping Total

8,150,000 Units
As of: May 21st, 2019

Opinion (292)

CarriedLawyer45 posted 02/03/2021, 04:00
This is such a very good video game. Naughty Dog, Tlou is one of the best video games ever made.
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StreaK posted 18/06/2018, 02:58
This game is like at 10 million copies with digital and the PS4 version is like at 7 with digital. For a tally of 17 million total. That sounds about right to me. :)
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xboxonefan posted 15/06/2018, 07:54
Way undertracked
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StreaK posted 11/12/2017, 10:55
Wikipedia states this game sold 8 million copies in 14 months.
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Rob5VGC posted 03/11/2016, 07:10
Adjusted way down. WTF!
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Dadrik posted 10/10/2016, 07:23
Adjusted down again, what even
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