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LOCK N'DOWNLOAD! Fruit Blast is back with new graphics, tighter gameplay and juicier fruit than ever!

Fruit Blast now featured on!

Requirements: 3rd Generation or higher.


The minds of MEDL Mobile are thrilled to throw at you their latest fresh-squeezed creation: Fruit Blast!

Fruit Blast is an explosive action app that delivers a smooth blend of juicy graphics, engaging motion control and First-Person-Survival.


You play to destroy pieces of fruit being hurled at you by a sinister monkey. Fight off his blitzkrieg and show him who's boss with an arsenal of powerful weapons. It’s easy at first, but be careful—every hit he lands covers part of your screen with mangled fruit pulp, making it hard to see what he throws next.

Defend against the attack with tilt-to-aim accelerometer controls and fully adjustable sensitivity. Pay attention to your ammo clip—if you forget to reload, you’ll get crushed into pulp. Sometimes the monkey will show you some mercy by throwing you a squeegee to clean your screen. Nab every squeegee you can—you’ll need them.

Choose new weapons from a fully stocked armory. Buy guns with larger clips, faster fire rates, greater accuracy and more destructive force. This hateful hominid packs more than one kind of produce, so you’ll need to upgrade your firepower to keep him from blending you into a smoothie.

The more fruit you shoot, the more seeds you earn. Save up seeds to unlock new weapons and stages, or purchase seeds using your iTunes account. The more seeds you’ve got to spend, the bigger guns you can buy. The bigger your guns are, the better the game gets.


There’s an onslaught of airborne arboreal artillery, and it’s heading your way fast. Shoot down every piece of fruit or suffer a shower of colorful splatter.


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