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No Boxart

No Boxart

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Lot 49 Labs, LLC



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Blocfall - Summary

Blocks fall but you can stop them. Show those blocks that gravity doesn't scare you.

Easy to play and hard to master, Blocfall recalls past arcade classics. Your challenge is to clear each level of falling blocks by tapping the highest block on screen until the blocks are gone. 

The blocks begin in a row and fall. Tapping the highest block will remove it and add points to your score. The lower that block is on screen, the more points it's worth. Clearing a level quickly earns a bonus. Eliminating a series of blocks quickly may prompt Pinkeye to appear. Catch him if you can.

Tapping a block that's next to other blocks will send the tapped block up and adjacent blocks down. Lose eight blocks off the bottom of the screen and the game ends. Score enough points and you win extra lives.

Tapping the screen below all the blocks will send them all upward, but there's limit to how often that can be done. Tapping the screen above all the blocks will give them different speeds, separating them and making them easier to remove. 

But be warned: Blocks that hit the top of the screen rebound at a faster speed. And every level is harder than the last.

Classic arcade action
Gameplay that's fast, fun, and addicting
Social score sharing


Source: App Store

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