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Alternative Names

デッド ライジング


Capcom Production Studio 1



Other Versions

All, PS4, Series, XBL, XOne

Release Dates

08/08/06 Capcom
09/28/06 Capcom
09/08/06 Capcom

Community Stats

Owners: 456
Favorite: 15
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 5

Avg Community Rating:


Dead Rising - Summary

Dead Rising™ uses swarm technology to pit players against thousands of undead. Frank West is a hard-edged photo journalist hell-bent on investigating the mystery that has caused an entire mid-western town to be quarantined and its mall overrun by zombies. With an entire mall at his disposal, the action is over the top and the graphics nothing less than amazing. An absolute must have for any Xbox 360™

  • NPC's to help players navigate through the zombie-infested mall.
  • Open-ended environment to explore.
  • Full mall at the player's disposal to use items for food, defense, protection - survival!
  • Solve the mystery why the entire town has turned into the undead.
  • Take pictures to capture all the intense action to earn points and new items.




Shipping Total

1,800,000 Units
As of: September 30th, 2018

Opinion (36)

GERMANIA_FORMA posted 09/05/2012, 01:47
It was an innovative title back then. Made 900G but sadly never managed to get "The Saint". Bummer! One of the best imperfect games on Xbox360. You gotta love that it's one of the last really HARD games, a dying breed.
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thewastedyouth posted 01/05/2012, 05:14
one of my first 360 games, this is a gem!!!!
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Metroid33slayer posted 11/01/2012, 06:39
The best horror game since resident evil 4, and my 3rd favourite xb360 game after orange box and oblivion.
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Dark_Lord_2008 posted 28/10/2011, 04:18
Classic game and my favorite survival horror game of this generation.
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slipknotfan posted 26/06/2011, 02:23
My favorite campaign one player game of all time!!!!
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Darklight87 posted 08/04/2011, 01:23
One of the 10 best games this gen, no doubt.
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