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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

コール オブ デューティ モダン・ウォーフェア3


Infinity Ward



Other Versions

All, PC, X360

Release Dates

11/08/11 Activision
11/17/11 Square Enix
11/08/11 Activision

Community Stats

Owners: 145
Favorite: 13
Tracked: 9
Wishlist: 3
Now Playing: 11

Avg Community Rating:


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Forum

Page:  1 
Last Post
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Free for all Event @ Playstation Gamer League dexterlablab1 3
578 04/14/13 06:24 GMT
by dexterlablab1
Just bought a PS3 Slim Ajescent 27
1,801 09/01/12 17:18 GMT
by sethnintendo
Supposedly Vivendi are thinking of selling Activison/Blizzard resulting in shares dropping. Ajescent 8
931 06/07/12 20:37 GMT
by Kynes
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Free For all Match ($5 to the winner) dexterlablab1 4
582 05/16/12 05:46 GMT
by dexterlablab1
Activision Blames Gamers For PS3 Elite DLC Confusion h2o1977 37
3,179 02/06/12 13:40 GMT
by h2o1977
Get out your magic 8-ball, Start up your DeLoreans! How many 10 million sellers will the PS3 have when it's all said and done? TrevDaRev 23
1,911 01/30/12 04:59 GMT
by postofficebuddy
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 DLC Season Starts On January 24 h2o1977 7
686 01/19/12 05:49 GMT
Which Vita game will be the best-selling by the end of 2012? VGKing 14
1,592 01/15/12 04:25 GMT
by Tridrakious
Modern Warfare 3 becomes the fastest entertainment ever to a billion dollar profit/revenue! spurgeonryan 28
4,076 12/13/11 23:19 GMT
by Alby_da_Wolf
Modern Warfare 3 Review thread. Meta score update! spurgeonryan 28
3,399 11/08/11 19:48 GMT
by lordmandeep
I think I'm done with shooters. How about you? naznatips 60
3,998 10/10/11 21:18 GMT
by radishhead
Predict this years blockbuster sales! DirtyP2002 8
1,609 08/23/11 00:44 GMT
by the2real4mafol
Ps3 owners shun Modern Warfare 3 Pre-orders phinch1 64
4,923 08/19/11 03:26 GMT
Page:  1 

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (41)

1 n/a 2,092,988 2,430,087 568,162 5,091,237
2 180,646 381,765 362,970 177,002 1,102,383
3 30,568 331,878 254,719 133,313 750,478
4 14,048 171,734 255,506 109,943 551,231
5 7,872 208,871 255,283 115,580 587,606
6 8,060 263,136 246,172 120,895 638,263
7 56,238 319,953 287,972 143,298 807,461
8 18,127 147,497 194,712 66,627 426,963
9 13,913 56,427 66,092 23,565 159,997
10 7,232 35,066 41,256 14,688 98,242
Iveyboi posted 01/08/2012, 02:06
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Heavenly_King posted 26/06/2012, 05:18
sold more on the PS3 this week O_o
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The_Murray posted 26/06/2012, 04:18
First 12 million seller next week.
Message | Report
VGKing posted 17/04/2012, 03:59
Weird how sales grew so much in Europe from Black Ops to MW3 already, yet in America they are still lagging behind Black Ops.
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VGKing posted 17/03/2012, 03:42
Officially passed Black Ops! March 16, 2012.
Message | Report
VGKing posted 17/02/2012, 07:51
2012 sales are in the PS3's favor!
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