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Release Dates

11/18/09 Microsoft
11/18/09 Microsoft
11/18/09 Microsoft

Community Stats

Owners: 1
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:



This game was classified by the community with the following category scores - Violence=0/3, Sex=0/3, Mature Content=0/3. "Marvelous Galaxy" is a turn-based strategic game. There are available three game modes: Single player, Multiplayer and Fight Now. The objective of Single and Multiplayer(up to four players) is conquer all enemy planets and destroy his robots. At 'Fight Now' mode, player must choose five robots or outer-space creatures to win an inmediate battle.

Latest Updates

Game Summary added to Database pbroy 21st Dec 2009
Release Date Added to Database pbroy 21st Dec 2009
Boxart Added pbroy 21st Dec 2009
Game Added to Database pbroy 20th Dec 2009

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