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Review Scores



Alternative Names






Other Versions

All, PC, PS3

Release Dates

10/25/11 Electronic Arts
11/02/11 Electronic Arts
10/28/11 Electronic Arts

Community Stats

Owners: 89
Favorite: 7
Tracked: 5
Wishlist: 2
Now Playing: 14

Avg Community Rating:


Battlefield 3 - Forum

Page:  1 
Last Post
Huge Xbox Sale going on right now! Zappykins 15
1,669 08/23/13 22:27 GMT
by smroadkill15
Want to get screwed by EA? Get BF3 now! NotStan 93
5,871 05/15/12 02:28 GMT
by Mr Puggsly
Battlefield 3 with NES Audio Kantor 8
804 03/16/12 23:05 GMT
by superchunk
Vgchartz Ranking Game -- Battlefield 3 yo_john117 51
3,907 03/07/12 21:16 GMT
BF3 outsells Black Ops in Poland Zlejedi 11
2,132 02/13/12 22:08 GMT
What do you prefer in your war simulators? Joelcool7 9
620 11/10/11 22:03 GMT
by SecondWar
Am I the only one who likes BF3's campaign? zzyoshiman 23
2,630 11/10/11 08:32 GMT
Battlefield 3 Ships 10 Million Copies PlaystaionGamer 3
722 10/28/11 08:33 GMT
by Alby_da_Wolf
DICE claims BF3 campaign is training ground for multiplayer VGKing 4
828 10/28/11 03:59 GMT
by jonager
Americas pre-order prediction thread (10/22/11) Battlefield 3 edition. yo_john117 6
1,024 10/25/11 08:59 GMT
by NobleTeam360
BATTLE FIELD 3 ON CONSOLE = PC on lowest settings POSSIBLE leo-j 43
3,568 10/20/11 06:29 GMT
by zarx
BF3 (almost) Final Build is Magnificent. Chroniczaaa 5
712 10/20/11 06:02 GMT
by Chroniczaaa
Here’s What Battlefield 3 Looks Like On the Xbox 360 Jdevil3 5
1,718 10/19/11 17:53 GMT
I think I'm done with shooters. How about you? naznatips 60
4,024 10/10/11 21:18 GMT
by radishhead
BattleField 3 (Official Thread) sega4life 22
2,471 09/30/11 21:55 GMT
by Aldro
Predict this years blockbuster sales! DirtyP2002 8
1,622 08/23/11 00:44 GMT
by the2real4mafol
Battlefield 3 Co-Op PS3.. no local Co-Op..& 64 PC multiplayer video NiKKoM 15
1,898 08/17/11 10:56 GMT
by Munkeh111
Am I the only one who likes BF3's campaign? zzyoshiman 1
425 10/27/11 04:06 GMT
by zzyoshiman
BattleField 3 (99 Problems) sega4life 9
981 09/27/11 22:53 GMT
by twesterm
Page:  1 

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (69)

1 n/a 1,486,065 474,277 336,668 2,297,010
2 25,141 487,679 220,783 126,165 859,768
3 3,024 140,776 81,054 40,671 265,525
4 1,049 45,967 57,372 21,006 125,394
5 587 109,524 52,480 29,023 191,614
6 432 98,143 52,829 27,356 178,760
7 490 126,970 68,403 35,407 231,270
8 677 146,068 99,499 45,626 291,870
9 944 175,507 141,396 59,957 377,804
10 628 92,697 101,928 29,082 224,335
Ryng posted 16/05/2015, 10:28
Not bad game... very good sales!
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Pho_Hybrid posted 27/01/2013, 07:05
@Kai- remember shipped isn't the same as sold ;D
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Kai Master posted 04/11/2012, 02:49
EA announced 17 million shipped, 14.48m seems a bit undertracked ?
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man-bear-pig posted 11/02/2012, 07:48
Good sales
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dsage01 posted 07/01/2012, 12:47
7-8 million lifetime possibly. Depending on legs.
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alonzodono posted 06/01/2012, 11:23
5.00m !!!
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