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Alternative Names

Ar tonelico III: Sekai Shuuen no Hikigane wa Shoujo no Uta ga Hiku

アルトネリコ3 世界終焉の引鉄は少女の詩が弾く 特典 オ





Release Dates

03/15/11 NIS America
01/28/10 Gust
04/01/11 Tecmo Koei

Community Stats

Owners: 79
Favorite: 3
Tracked: 2
Wishlist: 7
Now Playing: 7

Avg Community Rating:



Ar tonelico Qoga, the final installment of the Ar tonelico series takes place in Sol Cluster, a kingdom ruled by the mysterious Clustania organization. Join Aoto, Saki, and Finnel as they fight to save the world from enslavement of the human race. Ar tonelico Qoga's battle system contains an exciting new action-oriented control system that makes battles super exciting! Add to that beautful 3D graphics, multiple story paths, an expanded Cosmosphere system, and all the Song Magic you can handle and you've got the PlayStation®3's most addictive new RPG! Ar tonelico fans will not want to miss this one!


NIS America, Inc.

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Latest Updates

Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 03rd May 2011
Critic Review Added to Database oliist 19th Apr 2011
Critic Review Added to Database oliist 19th Apr 2011
Release Date Added to Database oliist 17th Mar 2011
Game Information Updated oliist 26th Feb 2011
Release Date Added to Database oliist 24th Jan 2011
Game Information Updated oliist 16th Jan 2011
Release Date Added to Database oliist 11th Jan 2011
Release Date Added to Database oliist 17th Nov 2010
Release Date Added to Database oliist 25th Oct 2010
Release Date Added to Database oliist 30th Jul 2010
Game Information Updated oliist 16th Jul 2010
Game Information Updated oliist 16th Jul 2010
Boxart Added oliist 24th Mar 2010
Screenshots Added ||DeOn|| 06th Feb 2010

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (18)

1 81,699 n/a n/a 81,699
2 9,457 n/a n/a 9,457
3 4,325 n/a n/a 4,325
4 2,979 n/a n/a 2,979
5 1,978 n/a n/a 1,978
6 1,633 n/a n/a 1,633
7 1,386 n/a n/a 1,386
8 1,294 n/a n/a 1,294
9 1,188 n/a n/a 1,188
10 1,117 n/a n/a 1,117
Ssenkahdavic posted 26/06/2011, 06:28
Really enjoyed this game, but it is still my least favorite of the Series.
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Capell posted 11/06/2011, 03:43
lost odyssey
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ryuzaki57 posted 14/05/2011, 01:11
Why is there no data for EMEAA? too low to track? :(
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Skeeuk posted 07/04/2011, 07:40
good title to have in collection
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Sieghardt posted 02/04/2011, 09:23
Arguably the best RPG on PS3, up there with Valkyria
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gustave154 posted 25/03/2011, 06:21
best RPG game on the PS3 of 2011 yet
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