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Alternative Names

Oboro Muramasa






Release Dates

09/08/09 Ignition Entertainment
04/09/09 Marvelous Interactive
11/27/09 Rising Star

Community Stats

Owners: 343
Favorite: 31
Tracked: 7
Wishlist: 16
Now Playing: 19

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Muramasa: The Demon Blade - Reviews

Critic Reviews

1up Read Review A- 16th Oct 2009
CheatCodeCentral Read Review 3.9 out of 5 16th Oct 2009
Edge Print Magazine 6 out of 10 16th Oct 2009
Eurogamer Read Review 7 out of 10 11th Aug 2009
Game Informer Read Review 7.75 out of 10 09th Sep 2009
GameDaily Read Review 9 out of 10 08th Sep 2009
Gamepro Read Review 4.5 out of 5 08th Sep 2009
Games Master UK Print Magazine 88 out of 100 01st Dec 2009
Gamespot Read Review 7.5 out of 10 16th Oct 2009
Gamespy Read Review 3.5 out of 5 16th Oct 2009
Gametrailers Read Review 8.3 out of 10 16th Oct 2009
GiantBomb Read Review 4 out of 5 16th Oct 2009
IGN Read Review 8.9 out of 10 09th Sep 2009

User Reviews

Review rating: 50.0%
of 6 votes

Vanillaware's latest defintiely delivers, but is it for you?

08th Sep 2009 | 1,747 views 

Taking a major upgrade from even the highly praised Odin Sphere, this title had high hopes from many, and it has exceeded them.

Read full review

Review rating: 0.0%
of 0 votes

Muramasa: The Demon Blade

06th Oct 2009 | 1,732 views 

Read full review

Shipping Total

47,000 Units
As of: September 30th, 2009

Opinion (263)

oniyide posted 19/09/2012, 02:51
the game is confirmed to be coming to PSVita...make of that what you will
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piggychan posted 06/09/2012, 08:56
was hoping this will come to the 360.. but got tired of waiting. Anyway just purchased this still in shrink wrap and in my play queue of wii games that need catching up on..
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Faxanadu posted 17/01/2012, 10:32
impressive US sales
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oni-link posted 04/10/2011, 09:16
if it does it better come as a $10 downloadable on my 360!!! But c'mon next gen can't come soon enought Wii U, 720 all the way!!!
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oni-link posted 04/10/2011, 09:15
I don't think it'll come to the HD systems anymore. Why coz next gen is just around the corner. Time for everyone to move on u know?
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thetonestarr posted 06/09/2011, 01:01
I love this game. It's a LOT of fun, and it's breathtakingly gorgeous too.
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