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Alternative Names

SEGA Mega Drive Ultimate Collection


Backbone Entertainment



Other Versions


Release Dates

02/10/09 Sega
(Add Date)
02/20/09 Sega

Community Stats

Owners: 89
Favorite: 3
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 1
Now Playing: 1

Avg Community Rating:


Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection - Cheats

Total cheats available: 8

Cheat codes

Date Title User
10th Jan 2011 Level select in sonic the hedgehog (0) ioi
27th Feb 2011 Blue spere codes for sonic the heghog three [rillyworks] (0) ioi


Date Title User
24th May 2009 Unlockable Bonus Games (9) Cactus
24th May 2009 Unlockable Bonus interviews (8) Cactus
10th Jan 2011 Unlockable Games (9) ioi
10th Jan 2011 Unlockable Interviews (8) ioi
10th Jan 2011 Achievements (34) ioi
18th May 2011 Full list of Achievements (0) ioi

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (22)

1 n/a 18,582 n/a 3,279 21,861
2 n/a 12,389 12,214 4,174 28,777
3 n/a 13,007 13,525 4,497 31,029
4 n/a 9,243 9,416 3,164 21,823
5 n/a 7,967 6,553 2,473 16,993
6 n/a 6,568 5,526 2,059 14,153
7 n/a 5,482 5,527 1,867 12,876
8 n/a 4,485 4,452 1,516 10,453
9 n/a 3,750 3,645 1,255 8,650
10 n/a 3,071 3,405 1,096 7,572
Metroid33slayer posted 11/01/2012, 06:57
Can't believe sega would give away 40 classic for such a cheap price but they have, this must be the best deal in gaming history.
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goldeneye0065r posted 03/01/2012, 09:31
this is why my genesis collection has stopped ugh no reason to collect any more since all the good ones are in this one cd
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Smeags posted 04/04/2011, 07:28
Any fanbase that puts a collection containing Sonic and Knuckles above 1 million gets my approval. *Smeags stamp of approval*
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Mr Puggsly posted 25/03/2011, 08:43
First 360 game to sell a million (without bundling). Also Sega's best selling PS3 game.
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IxisNaugus posted 14/01/2011, 05:17
Great package if you enjoyed these old Genesis classics. I personally bought this for the Phantasy Star quadro.
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Mr Puggsly posted 04/01/2011, 02:21
This is a surprise hit. Over 2 million combined.
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