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Rebellion Developments
11/10/08 Activision
(Add Date)
11/14/08 Activision
Owners: | 12 | |
Favorite: | 0 | |
Tracked: | 0 | |
Wishlist: | 0 | |
Now Playing: | 0 | |
Gameplanet | Read Review | 9 out of 10 | 01st Jul 2011 |
IGN | Read Review | 4.5 out of 10 | 01st Jul 2011 |
Total Sales |
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NA |
Europe |
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Total |
posted 21/07/2011, 07:21
makes you wonder why they didnt release black ops for it, it would be an easy .75 million sales. they also should have released MW2 on PS2 after seeing these sales. it seems like between those two games its about 2.5 million sales Message | Report |
Mr Puggsly
posted 28/05/2010, 07:52
Add another to the sales. I just bought this the other day. Its actually pretty good. I'm enjoying it more than Finest Hour and Big Red One. But not quite up to par with 3. Message | Report |