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Alternative Names

Dead Rising: Zombie no Ikenie

デッドライジング ゾンビのいけにえ


Capcom Production Studio 1 / TOSE Software



Release Dates

02/24/09 Capcom
02/19/09 Capcom
02/27/09 Capcom

Community Stats

Owners: 52
Favorite: 1
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 1

Avg Community Rating:



Based on the critically acclaimed Dead Rising for the Xbox360, Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop follows the harrowing tale of Frank West, an overly zealous freelance journalist on a hunt for the scoop of a lifetime. In pursuit of a juicy lead, he makes his way to the small suburban town of Willamette only to find that it has become overrun by zombies. Frank escapes to the local shopping mall where he thinks he will find safety only to discover its crawling with the un-dead. In order to survive players will have full reign of a realistic shopping centre where an endless supply of real and makeshift weapons will be at their disposal to fight off the flesh-hungry mob. Utilising the Wii remote, this new iteration to the series will take zombie-bashing to a new level as you shake, swing and aim your weapons in an effort to take the enemies down.

The game is split into a series of individual cases, all of which Frank must complete in order to gain vital information that allows him to piece together the truth behind the horrendous epidemic.
Players will be faced with the dilemma of deciding the rescue priority of the Willamette residents who have also sought sanctuary in the mall. Depending on the player’s skill some may not be as fortunate as others as each rescue needs to be undertaken in a set time period causing players to delay completion of a case in order to save a fellow human. Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop’s infectious humour delivers welcome relief from the incessant tide of zombies with players able to dress Frank up in a variety of comedic costumes and take on the undead hordes with a selection of highly ineffective weapons such as a toy sword or a football.


  • Utilises the same engine as Resident Evil 4 Wii edition
  • New level of interaction utilizing the Wii remote - aim and fire guns, swing and throw weapons and shake off zombie attacks with added Wii remote functionality
  • New enemies exclusive to Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop
  • Huge environment - Vast indoor and outdoor mall areas provide a variety of different locations to explore
  • Improved save functionality allows for more seamless gameplay
  • Hordes of enemies on screen at once resulting in non-stop, pulse pounding action
  • Anything in the mall is at Frank's disposal for battling the flesh-hungry mob
    • Grab environmental objects, such as umbrellas and benches, or store items, such as golf clubs and lawnmowers from the mall shops to use as improvised weapons
    • Consume food and drink from one of the malls many restaurants and cafés to resume Frank's health

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Game Information Updated oliist 15th Apr 2010
Boxart Added oliist 15th Apr 2010
Boxart Added oliist 15th Apr 2010
Boxart Added oliist 15th Apr 2010
Boxart Added oliist 15th Apr 2010
Critic Review Added to Database nordlead 28th Jul 2009
Critic Review Added to Database nordlead 28th Jul 2009
Critic Review Added to Database nordlead 28th Jul 2009
Critic Review Added to Database nordlead 28th Jul 2009
Critic Review Added to Database nordlead 28th Jul 2009
Critic Review Added to Database nordlead 28th Jul 2009
Critic Review Added to Database nordlead 28th Jul 2009
Critic Review Added to Database nordlead 28th Jul 2009
Critic Review Added to Database nordlead 28th Jul 2009
Game Information Updated Gnac 21st Jun 2009

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (59)

1 9,213 n/a n/a 9,213
2 3,009 13,283 5,830 3,547 25,669
3 3,009 11,291 4,767 2,987 22,054
4 3,240 6,908 3,017 1,859 15,024
5 3,619 5,033 2,127 1,354 12,133
6 3,271 4,092 1,949 1,143 10,455
7 3,348 3,510 1,637 979 9,474
8 3,003 3,138 1,315 850 8,306
9 2,702 2,815 1,031 737 7,285
10 2,110 2,622 717 640 6,089
pizdek posted 04/04/2015, 12:53
Great game. Many say even better than x360 original.
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johnsobas posted 23/12/2013, 03:24
this game gets a lot crap because it is compared to the 360 one, but it's actually a pretty good game on its own. I recently picked it up for cheap and it is not bad at all. I haven't played the 360 version just DR2 on PS3 which i love. I would recommend the game if you can get it for cheap, the price is still holding up decently well probably because it didn't sell very well. There are a lot less zombies but they do some things to make up for that and the controls are much better in this version, the wiimote aiming is very cool. There isn't a lot of unnecessary waggling like some earlier wii games, shaking off zombies feels great although the thrusting is kinda silly.
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johnsobas posted 23/12/2013, 03:24
this game gets a lot crap because it is compared to the 360 one, but it's actually a pretty good game on its own. I recently picked it up for cheap and it is not bad at all. I haven't played the 360 version just DR2 on PS3 which i love. I would recommend the game if you can get it for cheap, the price is still holding up decently well probably because it didn't sell very well. There are a lot less zombies but they do some things to make up for that and the controls are much better in this version, the wiimote aiming is very cool. There isn't a lot of unnecessary waggling like some earlier wii games, shaking off zombies feels great although the thrusting is kinda silly.
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Roflinator posted 21/01/2010, 05:49
I...can't think of anything to say about your post without sounding mean. What the hell are you even talking about? Online? L4D? How can any one get mixed up with L4D and Dead Rising? Seriously.

I see no point in advertising something if it's not good at all.
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primogen18 posted 23/11/2009, 05:59
this game was a horrible port from what ive heard, but it doesn't mean they had to spit it out without telling anyone, it had no advertising or anything.
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Boneitis posted 16/11/2009, 03:56
Can't help but wonder why they didn't just port the original to the PS3. People would have bought that.
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