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Double Helix Games



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Release Dates

09/30/08 Konami
02/27/09 Konami

Community Stats

Owners: 82
Favorite: 1
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 1
Now Playing: 2

Avg Community Rating:



In Silent Hill® Homecoming, Alex Shepherd has returned to his hometown of Shepherd's Glen to investigate the sudden disappearance of his brother. From Shepherd's Glen to the foggy streets of Silent Hill, Alex will face the darkest of horrors while struggling with his own grip on reality. Alex must unravel the mystery behind his nightmares, discover the truth behind his brother's disappearance, and confront the evil that has taken hold of his soul.

  • Tension-filled story: Enter the next chapter of Silent Hill as you delve deeper in the tormented history of the town, and learn of the evil that surrounds Toluca Lake.
  • Next-gen graphics: From the murky fog to the ominous shadows, all-new next-gen graphics bring Silent Hill to life like never before.
  • Dangerous gameplay: Solve treacherous and deadly puzzles to discover the mysterious secrets behind the evil that has cursed the town of Silent Hill.
  • New soundtrack: Silent Hill Homecoming features an all-new soundtrack by acclaimed series composer Akira Yamaoka.

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Latest Updates

Critic Review Added to Database 09tarheel 13th Oct 2009
Critic Review Added to Database 09tarheel 13th Oct 2009
Critic Review Added to Database 09tarheel 13th Oct 2009
Critic Review Added to Database 09tarheel 13th Oct 2009
Critic Review Added to Database 09tarheel 13th Oct 2009
Game Information Updated oliist 09th Sep 2009
Release Date Added to Database oliist 09th Sep 2009
Game Summary added to Database pbroy 27th Aug 2009
Boxart Added Tbone 15th Jul 2009
Boxart Added Tbone 23rd Jun 2009
Game Banner Added to Database Blacksaber 21st Jun 2009
Game Information Updated Blacksaber 21st Jun 2009
Boxart Added zexen_lowe 04th Mar 2009
Boxart Added zexen_lowe 04th Mar 2009
Boxart Added oliist 07th Feb 2009

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (23)

1 n/a 40,423 n/a 7,133 47,556
2 n/a 9,065 n/a 1,600 10,665
3 n/a 5,180 n/a 914 6,094
4 n/a 3,449 n/a 609 4,058
5 n/a 2,514 n/a 444 2,958
6 n/a 1,763 n/a 311 2,074
7 n/a 1,213 n/a 213 1,426
8 n/a 1,228 n/a 217 1,445
9 n/a 1,929 n/a 340 2,269
10 n/a 1,480 n/a 261 1,741
thewastedyouth posted 12/06/2012, 06:47
Silent Hill games are not sold in japan???
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Kokutou posted 30/10/2010, 11:44
silent hill
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darkgemini posted 09/01/2010, 10:24
I love this game, scary, much better than the new, actionorientated resident evil 5. Hope there will be more good survival horror games, scary games :)
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MrBubbles posted 24/12/2009, 03:28
shot. in. the. face.!
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MrBubbles posted 18/12/2009, 02:02
this game is pretty bad. its so poorly made that it in no way is scary at all.
and whoever made the shadows for this game needs to be shot in the face, seriously.
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dizzydee_011 posted 23/07/2009, 03:48

Yeah I'd hate to see Survival Horror games disappear. Hopefully Silent Hill for the Wii and Alan Wake do well enough to keep the genre going.
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