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Alternative Names

テイルズ オブ レジェンディア


Namco / Team MelFes



Release Dates

02/07/06 Namco
08/25/05 Namco
(Add Date)

Community Stats

Owners: 121
Favorite: 2
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 1

Avg Community Rating:



 The renowned Tales of series comes to the PlayStation® 2 with the extraordinary depth of an RPG and the furiously fast real-time battles of an authentic fighting game. In development for several years, Tales of Legendia offers fantastic 3D graphics, dynamic battle scenes and an emotionally-charged storyline. The game utilizes technology from Namco’s renowned Soulcalibur® fighting game series, allowing players to battle huge monsters with a battle system that feels more like a fighting game using X-LiMBS, Namco’s new Crossover Linear Motion Battle System.



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Critic Review Added to Database Son1x 29th Oct 2009
Critic Review Added to Database Son1x 29th Oct 2009
Critic Review Added to Database Son1x 29th Oct 2009
Critic Review Added to Database Son1x 29th Oct 2009
Critic Review Added to Database Son1x 29th Oct 2009
Critic Review Added to Database Son1x 29th Oct 2009
Game Information Updated Son1x 22nd Jun 2009
Game Information Updated Cactus 20th Jun 2009
Game Banner Added to Database Cactus 11th Jun 2009
Boxart Added oliist 29th Apr 2009
Boxart Added oliist 29th Apr 2009
Boxart Added oliist 07th Apr 2009
Game Information Updated oliist 07th Apr 2009
Game Summary added to Database zexen_lowe 29th Nov 2008
Game Information Updated zexen_lowe 29th Nov 2008

Shipping Total

397,000 Units
As of: December 11th, 2007

Opinion (6)

Mad55 posted 19/03/2010, 09:22
how the party sticks together is the probably the best aspect of the game. no party bonded like them.
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Seraphic_Sixaxis posted 21/01/2009, 02:42
This was my first tales to, and at the moment my only tales game i've played thus far.

Mainly because the style bugs me but it was an okay game.

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Dgc1808 posted 06/01/2009, 11:33
I enjoyed this. It was my first tales game and I thought the story was a bit soft and the voice acting was a bit annoying. I also hated hearing "Um, HAA, EAT THIS!!!" All the time, but despite that I still enjoyed the game.

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zexen_lowe posted 29/11/2008, 01:53
Not a bad game...but not a great one either. It just doesn't stand out.
And the voice acting is awful..."Senel...SENEL!!!!" drived me nuts
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novasonic posted 27/11/2008, 08:45
this is the abortion of the tales series
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Seraphic_Sixaxis posted 18/11/2008, 10:03
No love for legendia? Whhhy?!
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