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Review Scores



Alternative Names

Paper Mario RPG



Intelligent Systems



Other Versions


Release Dates

10/11/04 Nintendo
07/22/04 Nintendo
11/12/04 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 518
Favorite: 81
Tracked: 2
Wishlist: 4
Now Playing: 6

Avg Community Rating:


Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door - Extras

No extras available for this game

Shipping Total

1,910,000 Units
As of: December 2014

Opinion (39)

LuffyOP posted 15/01/2015, 07:14
Best game of all time.
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PixelPerfect posted 09/12/2014, 03:10
The first game that I ever got on my Gamecube and still my favorite game in the entire library. I've replayed the game too many times to count.
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Cheddarchet posted 24/09/2014, 10:51
Still one of my all-time favorites today. Kind of cool to see it outsold its predecessor despite being on a system that sold worse. Really wish Sticker Star had been more of a story driven game, too. Maybe next time?
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ExplodingBlock posted 01/08/2014, 06:50
We need a Paper Mario on the Wii U as good as this one NOW
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Nintentacle posted 25/04/2014, 07:40
So undersold!
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DieAppleDie posted 16/09/2012, 02:05
i want one for the WiiU
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