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Hogwarts Legacy Sold 22 Million Units in 2023, Best-Selling Game Worldwide in 2023

Hogwarts Legacy Sold 22 Million Units in 2023, Best-Selling Game Worldwide in 2023 - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 08 January 2024 / 6,061 Views

Publisher Warner Bros. Games and developer Avalanche Software announced the open-world action RPG, Hogwarts Legacy, sold over 22 million units in 2023. Two million of the 22 million units sold were during the month of December.

Warner Bros. Games also stated Hogwarts Legacy is the best-selling video game worldwide in 2023.

Players have have racked up 707 million hours played, brewed 819 million potions, harvested 1.3 billion magical plants, rescued 593 million magical beats, and defeated 4.9 billion dark wizards.

"But it’s not just the unit sold that I’m so proud of, it’s just that it delighted the fans so much," said Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment president David Haddad in a statement to Variety.

"It brought Harry Potter to life in a new way for gamers where they could be themselves in this world, in this story. And that’s what the team at Avalanche set out to do when they were developing the game and I think that’s really why it resonated so well and remains the best-selling game of the year in the entire industry worldwide. That’s a position that typically is held by one of these incumbent’s sequel games and we’re so proud that we’ve been able to break into the top ranks."

Hogwarts Legacy released for the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC in February 2023, for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in May 2023, and for the Nintendo Switch in November 2023.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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Geralt99 (on 08 January 2024)

How can they claim that its "the best selling game of 2023" without knowing the numbers of Zelda 2, Baulders gate, or COD?

  • +7
UnderwaterFunktown Geralt99 (on 08 January 2024)

Fair question, but I doubt the first two are contenders (Zelda is close but I don't see 2.5m in the holiday quarter) and CoD had their worst year in a while.

  • +2
KratosLives UnderwaterFunktown (on 11 January 2024)

Cod would be lucky to sell half those numbers. Zelda wouldn't sell more than 20

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UnderwaterFunktown KratosLives (on 11 January 2024)

Zelda was at 19.5m at the end of October. It won't reach 22m, but it'll cross the 20m mark easily. An interesting thing to note is also that it will probably make more revenue than Hogwarts, since it's 70 dollars and has had less discounts.

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INCITATUSBR Geralt99 (on 08 January 2024)

Hogwarts was released on all possible platforms, so it is reasonable to say it is the best-selling.

  • +1
SanAndreasX INCITATUSBR (on 08 January 2024)

Plus, it consistently remained at the top of the charts throughout the year. Not to take away from how well Tears of the Kingdom did.

  • +1
Shatts SanAndreasX (on 08 January 2024)

Totk didnt include digital sales whereas Hogwarts did for those charts. Since Totk is the only $70 game from Nintendo, I would assume it would be pretty digital heavy thanks to the voucher tickets. Although tbh, I doubt Totk is above 22m.

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DonFerrari Geralt99 (on 09 January 2024)

They are making the claim based on the data they have. If any company have data showing more than 22M from other games they may counter this claim.

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KrspaceT Geralt99 (on 09 January 2024)

I mean I'm a Nintendo fan and can see how it hadn't passed 22 million. It had fewer months and platforms, though it certainly did well.

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Otter (on 08 January 2024)

An incredible achievement. Was crazy seeing people first low ball it's sales potential before release and then eventually try and attribute its success to "controversy". Normal people do not spend $60 on games to make a political point...The IP remains iconic and the game perfectly captures the spirit of the franchise, more so than even the recent films. It selling 2m last month is truly reflective of authentic success and good word of mouth. Well done on WB for giving it the development time and scope it needed, also in stagnating the releases so each level of hardware had a relatively solid version of the game. Probably the Switch version was 50% of sales in December

Just hope they really try to deliver a top of the tier narrative campaign with the next game and explore a more modern timeline

  • +7
Tober (on 08 January 2024)

When first announced there was skepticism because this studio never did a game of this ambition before. But turned out great for them. Kudos!

  • +4
CosmicSex (on 08 January 2024)

February 2022 release of Elden Ring was also a mega hit. Gotta wonder what February 2024 release will set the world on fire!

  • +3
hellobion2 (on 08 January 2024)

Great news!

  • +2
Dante9 (on 11 January 2024)

Wow, that woke boycott attempt looks even cringier now.

  • +1
Mystro-Sama (on 09 January 2024)


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KrspaceT (on 09 January 2024)

Wonder if we could get some system breakdown? I like knowing where the various millions were sold. Its useful information IMO.

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dane007 KrspaceT (on 09 January 2024)

Guessing that 2m in December is the switch?

  • -1
DonFerrari (on 09 January 2024)

A very good game (won't say as great as 22M sales would deserve, but it is good to see a new game doing so well). Enjoyed my plat on it.

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