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PS5 Best-Seller in the UK in November With Sales Up 129%, Xbox Series X|S Sales Up 4%

PS5 Best-Seller in the UK in November With Sales Up 129%, Xbox Series X|S Sales Up 4% - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 11 December 2023 / 8,131 Views

The PlayStation 5 was the best-selling console in the UK in November 2023, according to GfK Entertainment and reported by GamesIndustry

The PS5 accounted for "practically half" of all video game consoles sold during the month. PS5 sales are up 149 percent month-on-month and up 126 percent compared to November 2022.

The Xbox Series X|S was the second best-selling console with sales up 231 percent compared to October 2023 and up four percent year-on-year.

The Nintendo Switch was the third best-selling with sales up 175 percent month-on-month, however, sales are down 19 percent compared to a year ago.

Overall, there were over 486,000 video game consoles sold (panel data) in the UK in November 2023. This is up 176 percent month-on-month and up 32 percent year-on-year.

Year-to-date, console sales are up 12 percent compared to the same period last year. This was due to improved sales of the PS5.

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GSD data shows there were over 4.55 million games sold in November 2023, which is down three percent year-on-year.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 debuted in first place, however, first three weeks of sales are down just under 38 percent compared to 2022's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

EA Sports FC 24 came in second place with sales down slightly year-on-year compared to FIFA 23. The game saw strong discounted during Black Friday.

The release of the Nintendo Switch version of Hogwarts Legacy boosted sales of the game up 100 percent compared to October and enough to bring the game up to third place.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 after debuting in second place in October fell to fourth place in its second month on sale. Super Mario Bros. Wonder despite not including digital sales took fifth place for the month.

Football Manager 2024 debuted in sixth place with sales down four percent compared to last year's entry in the series. RoboCop: Rogue City debuted in 11th place.

There were 1.275 million accessories and add-on products sold in the UK in November, which is up 118 percent percent compared to October, but is down 3.5 percent year-on-year. The PlayStation Portal debuted in fifth place on the accessory charts. The product was sold out at retail.

Here are the top 10 best-selling games in the UK in November 2023 (Digital + Physical):

Position Title
1 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Activision Blizzard)
2 EA Sports FC 24 (EA)
3 Hogwarts Legacy (Warner Bros)
4 Spider-Man 2 (Sony)
5 Super Mario Bros. Wonder (Nintendo)*
6 Football Manager 2024 (Sega)
7 Assassin's Creed Mirage (Ubisoft)
8 Mario Kart 8: Deluxe (Nintendo)*
9 Nintendo Switch Sports (Nintendo)*
10 Grand Theft Auto 5 (Rockstar)

*Digital data unavailable

GSD digital data includes games from participating companies sold via PC digital stores, Xbox Live, PlayStation Network, Nintendo Eshop. Major participating companies are Activision Blizzard, Bandai Namco, Capcom, Codemasters, Electronic Arts, Embracer Group (including Gearbox, Koch Media, Sabre Interactive), Focus Entertainment, Kepler, Konami, Marvellous Games, Microids, Microsoft (including Bethesda), Milestone, Nacon, Paradox Interactive, Quantic Dream, Sega, Sony, Square Enix, Take-Two, Ubisoft and Warner Bros. Nintendo and 505 Games are the notable absentees, alongside smaller studios.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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kazuyamishima (on 11 December 2023)

November 2023 UK Hardware estimates:
PS5: 240k
Xbox Series X/S: 130k
Nintendo Switch: 112k

November 2022 UK Hardware Estimates:
Nintendo Switch: 138k
Xbox Series X/S: 125k
PS5: 106k.

  • +7
firebush03 (on 11 December 2023)

Something interesting I don’t see anybody talking about: Zelda is completely absent from the top ten, whereas Hogwarts has made a resurgence. TotK is showing weaker legs than expected.

  • +4
UnderwaterFunktown firebush03 (on 11 December 2023)

Depends what you mean. It was on the physical top 10 for 20 weeks which I'd say is better than expected for that period of time, but yeah it could maybe have made a bigger splash for the holidays.
It's worth noting that this list includes digital for everything but Nintendo games, so if you included digital it could theoretically be on there.

  • 0
Zeruda-Hime firebush03 (on 12 December 2023)

Totk is still in top 20 without digital copies. Hogwarts legacy has 6 versions and if it is charting is because of Switch version released recently.😅

  • -1
Zippy6 (on 11 December 2023)

Great growth for PS5 due to stock, slim and promotions and almost selling as much as Xbox and Switch combined.

Only 4% up YoY for Xbox is pretty poor considering how aggressive they were with pricing. You could get a Series X for £360 this year.

Switch decline is pretty much as expected. CoD decline is significant. I think we all knew it'd be a drop but I'm not sure I'd have guessed as high as over a third of sales lost.

  • +3
trunkswd Zippy6 (on 11 December 2023)

Agreed the PS5 did great for the month and the Switch decline was expected. I'd think Nintendo would be happy if worldwide Switch sales for November are only down 19% YoY.

Xbox Series X|S has been down pretty much all year, so I'd taking not being down a small victory for Xbox. Though I agree still not a great result with how aggressive the discounts were for Xbox this year. Hopefully there is a better result in the US when NPD/Circana drops on Wednesday.

  • +4
tak13 trunkswd (on 11 December 2023)

Trunks, when are we going to get the monthly hardware sales for europe? Is it imminent?
I'm so curious to see ps5 sales in whole europe(it might have sold the whopping 1m units in the continent for november)...
it sold ilke 200k+ in the uk alone ... More than last year overall, albeit it was because of dreadful stock issues in europe.

  • 0
trunkswd tak13 (on 11 December 2023)

Once GamesIndustry releases their Europe monthly report I will post our Europe figures. NPD/Circana releases on Wednesday, so our Americas estimates should be out later that day or Thursday.

  • +4
tak13 trunkswd (on 11 December 2023)

Thansks for the reply, trunksy.
I'm looking forward to that.

  • 0
Comment was deleted...
jvmkdg trunkswd (on 11 December 2023)

trunkswd it was said that the ps5 approaches the sales of the Nintendo ds in the UK you said the ps5 was at 3 million in October and the Nintendo ds sold 3.8 million in the UK so the ps5 would have to be corrected to 3.7 million No United Kingdom at the end of November this represents almost 700 thousand units. If it sold 200,000 in the UK in November then it has to be corrected by 500,000 units. My guess is that sales in Europe would also have to be corrected

  • 0
trunkswd jvmkdg (on 11 December 2023)

I've gone back and looked at the PS5 data we have available and done some adjustments. PS5 is up to 3.2M now in the UK. That puts our estimates above the available GfK data that has PS5 at ~2.32M as of 2022, while we have PS5 at 2.44M at the end of 2022. So I don't have much room until we get the full 2023 report in January.

Worldwide lifetime sales basically remain the same as Sony did release quarterly sell-through figures through March 2023. So I adjusted PS5 down in "Other Europe" which is basically Eastern Europe and a few other smaller countries in Europe.

  • +1
Machina jvmkdg (on 11 December 2023)

It's the 3DS not DS. And like you say, the word used was 'approaching', which is a very vague phrase in this context - it doesn't 'have' to be at 3.7m.

From this report we have PS5 selling 245-250k in Nov.

  • +4
j2001m Zippy6 (on 11 December 2023)

Xbox also sold out of Xbox sx on Amazon , so did ps5, you can only sell what you got, -s5 was back in stock just before the end of nov, Xbox was not back in stock to dec, they also sold the new ps5 from the end of nov with the cheap offer deal

  • -8
kazuyamishima j2001m (on 11 December 2023)

Cheap offer deal you mean at 459 quids?

That's not cheap.

  • +3
j2001m kazuyamishima (on 12 December 2023)

It’s 389.99, as now all models are the same, down to if you need to play disks or not add it if needed

  • -2
hellobion2 (on 11 December 2023)

Go PS5 Go PS5

  • 0
Manlytears (on 11 December 2023)

Starfield is dead. Game isn't a Flop, but surely is under Bethesda OG target for sales by alot.

  • -2
CosmicSex Manlytears (on 12 December 2023)

I don't know that it's dead but I do know that Bethesda's goal of $1 Billion in revenue is imaginary.

  • +5
UnderwaterFunktown (on 11 December 2023)

Would actually have expected PS5 to account for more than half of systems sold, but sounds like Xbox did better than expected in the UK

  • -4
siebensus4 UnderwaterFunktown (on 11 December 2023)

Xbox being up 4% y-o-y is a bit unexpected, because it was down during the rest of the year. Maybe some people waited for the BF sale to play Starfield.

  • +2
j2001m siebensus4 (on 11 December 2023)

It was also the 1st time, when Xbox had any offers on in any big way, they also had an offer where they included cod, it’s always cod that sells ps5 as its on the box and is always the big seller, when it comes to xbox it’s the 1st time they put a good deal on the box, the best they done before this is £40 off, ps5 is on offer all the time, when they have a new ps5 game on box deal, they offer it supper cheap, to they sell out, then they charge more

  • -5
kazuyamishima j2001m (on 11 December 2023)

So many lies on your post. But to each their own.

  • +2
-Adonis- kazuyamishima (on 12 December 2023)

He is funny tho. ;-)

  • 0
Zippy6 UnderwaterFunktown (on 11 December 2023)

With how they've been down badly all year then I can see how you'd say Xbox did better than expected. But when taking into context everything else 4% growth is pretty bad.

The Series X was only discounted to around £430 in 2022 whereas this year it went down to £360. It was £70 cheaper than last year, they had a much better line-up of games and they barely sold more.

  • +5
UnderwaterFunktown Zippy6 (on 11 December 2023)

True but last year they had the major advantage of limited PS5 stock, I honestly think the PS5 being readily available is the biggest cause of the their drop this year, particularly in Europe. So I did not expect any growth from them even with the Series X discounted lower.

  • 0

The PS5 was actually sold out in almost every store before black Friday and the new model came out the week after

  • +1
darthv72 Zippy6 (on 11 December 2023)

I know it may seem easy to discredit the 4% growth but in the face of PS5 being much more plentiful this year compared to last.... 4% is still a good thing.

honestly, with the way each previous month has been going, i was expecting another decline. so this is surprising to see... especially in the UK.

  • +1
j2001m darthv72 (on 12 December 2023)

Its also the 1st time they done a big saving, ps5 as more offer then I have hot meals

  • -1
DekutheEvilClown (on 11 December 2023)
  • -12