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Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection Sales Top 240,000 Units, Samurai Warriors 5 Tops 280,000 Units in Asia

Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection Sales Top 240,000 Units, Samurai Warriors 5 Tops 280,000 Units in Asia - Sales

by William D'Angelo , posted on 27 July 2021 / 3,345 Views

Koei Tecmo in its latest earnings report has released the sales of several games for the quarter ending June 2021. 

Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection, which launched for the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC via Steam worldwide on June 10, has sold over 240,000 units worldwide in under one month. 

Samurai Warriors 5 (known as Sengoku Warriors 5 in Japan) has sold over 280,000 units in Asia. The game released for the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox one in Asia on June 24. It releases worldwide today for the same platforms, as well as PC via Steam.

Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection Sales Top 240,000 Units, Samurai Warriors 5 Tops 280,000 Units in Asia

Here are other sales figures shared by Koei Tecmo:

  • Winning Post 9 2021 - 80,000 (Japan)
  • Uncharted Waters IV HD Remaster - 70,000 (Asia)
  • Angelique Luminarise - 30,000 (Asia)

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let's Plays and tutorials. You can contact the author at or on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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Ashadelo (on 27 July 2021)

Should be called the Sigma Collection, this is far from a "master" collection. Sigma 1 and especially 2 are such a joke when compared to Black and Ninja Gaiden 2. If you have an xbox dont even bother with this collection, you will be disappointed

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GoOnKid Ashadelo (on 27 July 2021)

I am interested in this, I already have NG3RE but I am afraid the difficulty in the first two games will be too high so I won't like it. But why are the Sigma editions worse? I have no idea, can you enlighten me?

  • +1
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Ashadelo Bristow9091 (on 27 July 2021)

NGS2 also reduced the enemies by... a lot. Some enemies were outright removed.

  • Encounters feeling lackluster due to less enemies on screen.

  • Certain areas feeling barren when only two enemies run at you vs the 6-8 in NG2.

  • Fights feel off due to enemies having more HP to compensate for smaller numbers.

  • Said HP increase makes tougher enemies more of a slog to fight now.

  • Certain balance changes are frowned upon (Some fans dislike how some bosses can be izuna'd for instance).

  • The upgrade system is largely frowned upon, as it makes essence pretty much useless. I mean essence pretty much always becomes item/UT fodder anyway, but the way

  • NGS2 handles upgrades just expediates that. The game is much easier, with some bosses (giant statue on stage 1 for instance) feeling like complete wastes of time.
  • +1
Mr Puggsly GoOnKid (on 27 July 2021)

I honestly feel the difficulty of NG1 and 2 are exaggerated. Just block a lot and wait for openings. Also, jumping and coming down with strong slashes is very effective.

  • +1
GoOnKid Mr Puggsly (on 27 July 2021)

Alright, thank you, and thanks to Bristow and Ashadelo. I think I'll go for it.

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AJNShelton (on 27 July 2021)

Do you have the sales breakdown ?

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Kakadu18 AJNShelton (on 27 July 2021)

They didn't publish any breakdowns sadly.

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