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Alternative Names

コール オブ デューティ モダン・ウォーフェア3


Infinity Ward



Other Versions

All, PC, PS3

Release Dates

11/08/11 Activision
11/17/11 Square Enix
11/08/11 Activision

Community Stats

Owners: 181
Favorite: 15
Tracked: 13
Wishlist: 16
Now Playing: 12

Avg Community Rating:



Intel Locations
Intel in MW3 look like laptop computers and there are a total of 46 of them to be found in the campaign (some may have more intel than another). This guide will have each mission listed, in the order in which you do the missions in the campaign, with the location of each intel detailed. BLACK TUESDAY (5) ============= 1) The first Intel is located in a room, inside of a building, right after the crashed helicopter. 2) This one is inside the jewelry store, on the first floor, on a desk to the right of the room in the back. 3) This one is to the left when you enter the Stock Exchange building. 4) It's on a desk right by some stairs on the Stock Exchange trading floor. 5) On a desk on the roof of the Stock Exchange building. HUNTER KILLER (7 total) ============= 1) It's on a bunk after you open a door when you enter the sub. 2) This is in the room with the enemies with the laser sights, on the second floor. PERSONA NON GRADA (11 total) =================== 1) When you exit the building, it's on the right. 2) It's in the building with the blue awning (on the right) when you enter the streets section. 3) It's next to a crate in the room with the UGC (the room with all the crates). 4) It's on a slide in the playground, after getting out of the UGC. TURBULENCE (13 total) =========== 1) You'll find this at the bottom of the stairs after the Zero-G section. 2) After you crash, you'll reach a section where you have to jump over a tree; it's on the right side after that. BACK ON THE GRID (16 total) ================ 1) It's in the room that Price and Soap breach while you're covering them from the sniper post. 2) This one is not that far from the previous one. You'll go down a road with a bunch of shack on both sides; the Intel is in the one on your left. 3) It's on a table inside the church, close to the back. MIND THE GAP (19 total) ============ 1) This one is in the building another team breaches towards the beginning of the mission; it's on a barrel. 2) This is close to the docks, where you'll have a big gunfight. Take the stairs close by, walk along the catwalk and go inside the building, where you'll find the Intel. 3) This is hidden on the floor, behind the counter, in a store after the train crash. GOALPOST (22 total) ========= 1) This is in the front half of the crashed plane. 2) When the tanks get to the end, there will be a path to your left. Instead, go straight ahead and you should find the Intel behind a brick wall. 3) After passing an abandoned convoy, you can find this in the building, along the right wall when you enter. RETURN TO SENDER (25 total) ================= 1) On the second floor of the blue building as you run up the hill (this is in the first area). 2) This is in the room that you have to breach; it's in the back, on a desk. 3) This is in a shack past the exploding car, when you're heading to the new landing zone. BAG AND DRAG (29 total) ============= 1) This is on the second floor of the bookstore, on the windowsill. 2) This is in the back room of the cafe, when you go back outside. 3) This is in the catacombs, on a generator, when you get hit with a flashbang grenade. 4) You'll find this one on your chase with Volk; it's on the ground after you pass a painting. IRON LADY (31 total) ========= 1) This is in a greenhouse, which is to the left of a monument that's in a large area. It's at the top of the stairs. 2) This is on the bus on the bridge, when you have the Eiffel Tower in front of you. EYE OF THE STORM (33 total) ================= 1) This is inside of a building, on a counter, after you kill a few guys by a truck with your sniper rifle. 2) You'll get into a large fight in an area with a suspended APC. You can find the Intel next to an umbrella (the kind they use for tables) on the left side of the area. BLOOD BROTHERS (34 total) =============== 1) After you carry Soap and put him down, you can find the Intel inside of a building, on the ground in front of a window. STRONGHOLD (36 total) ============ 1) As you're making an escape, you'll come across a room with TVs and a pool table; there's a storage room in this room with the Intel. 2) From the last one, you'll make your way outside. Stick to the right and you'll find some stairs; go up them and inside a building to find it on a crate. SCORCHED EARTH (41 total) ================ 1) This is in the office area, go along the left side and you'll find it in a cubicle. 2) From the last Intel, get to the roof and look for small stairs with a chain link fence. Go down the stairs and you'll find the Intel behind the fence. 3) This Intel is on the counter of the shop that is past a crash helicopter. 4) When you get to the point where you take out a tank with a RPG, turn down the road to the right. On the left side of the road is a building with "Teknik Deutschlan" on it; the Intel is inside the door of this building. 5) This Intel is behind the stairs where you have to breach a door. This is after going through a crashed building and then going into another building. DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE (43 total) ===================== 1) This is in an office on the left side of a room where you have a large fight and where there's some heavy machinery. 2) You will crash into a room after blowing through a floor. Once in this room, head around the ramp behind it and you'll find the Intel. DUST TO DUST (46 total) ============= 1) Walk up the escalator to the second floor, then turn around and go towards the bar, where you'll find the Intel. 2) This is on the poker table in a room on the left side after riding the elevators. 3) After seeing a piano, go forward and you'll go into a new area with a bar; the Intel is along the bar.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales
1 n/a 3,674,264 2,076,920 916,749 6,667,933
2 30,443 621,561 284,315 160,413 1,096,732
3 4,372 464,279 173,926 110,900 753,477
4 1,600 308,390 180,369 89,074 579,433
5 1,172 318,456 172,878 88,852 581,358
6 1,304 385,354 164,140 96,758 647,556
7 9,778 467,890 178,454 112,502 768,624
8 5,030 244,697 127,533 55,621 432,881
9 4,812 100,012 42,767 21,334 168,925
10 2,460 60,306 30,386 13,551 106,703

Opinion (88)

SlayerRondo posted 12/02/2016, 03:39
Wonder if Black Ops III for the PS4 can outsell this being the current best selling version of COD for a single console.
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nugget posted 03/04/2015, 04:38
Hated it at first, but believe me, it is getting way better!
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darkenergy posted 14/12/2014, 01:20
Even before I made an account for vgchartz, I remember this had over 15 million sold but it was adjusted down.Glad it was adjusted down because GTA5 deserved to top this.
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VGKing posted 30/12/2012, 04:25
@Kai Master
Yes, it does include bundles.
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AceRandum posted 06/11/2012, 11:29
my favorite call of duty and the most sold cod to date

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Kai Master posted 03/11/2012, 02:57
Does the number of sales include bundles ? (I bought mine with a 360).
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