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Forums - Sales Discussion - The 360 Only Sold 0.1m More Than PS3 In Q1 Fiscal- 2009

360 only sold 0.1m more than PS3 in Q1 fiscal-2009

The Xbox 360 only sold 0.1 million more units than the PS3 during the first quarter of fiscal 2009-10.

Since all three platform holders have reported their financial statistics for the three month period ending June 30th, we can now get a better idea at how each of the company's consoles have performed.

In the first quarter of the 2009-10 fiscal year, from April to June 2009, the Nintendo Wii sold 2.23 million units, with the Xbox 360 behind at 1.2 million and the PlayStation 3 at 1.1 million.

Although it's odd to tout that the PS3 wasn't that far behind the Xbox 360 during the quarter, it's surely relevant for those who toot the horn that the Xbox 360 is beating the PS3 with a stick. Microsoft's console only sold 100,000 more units than Sony's PS3, and though neither have had a great quarter, the differing prices in the consoles might raise some questions for Microsoft.

Although the Nintendo Wii led, the company saw a decline in sales and therefore profits compared to a year earlier, which you can read about here.

We can also look at the lifetime to date sales for each of the console's since their launch, where the Nintendo Wii leads the Xbox 360 by 21.22 million units and the Xbox 360 leads the PS3 by 8.57 units.

Lifetime to Date Hardware Sales

  • Nintendo Wii - 52.62 million
  • Xbox 360 - 31.4 million
  • PlayStation 3 - 22.83 million

  • Q1 2009-10 Hardware Sales

  • Nintendo Wii - 2.23 million
  • Xbox 360 - 1.2 million
  • PlayStation 3 - 1.1 million

  • Source: Individual Company Reports


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    It's not too shocking...if people have looked at VGChartz lately the 360 has only been beating the ps3 by 10-20 k a week for the last few months...

    That's a bit more than a thousand Xbox 360s per day over PS3. Intersting but expected nonetheless.






    Shipped numbers?


    ioi said:


    Also, both are low because both are clearing the channels for new sku's.

    Around the Network

    yea shipped, vgchartz has almost the same gap as shipped numbers at roughly 8.5 million consoles

    currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

    shipped shpped shipped

    shipped! [when in Rome...]

    Currently Playing:  Saints Row 2 | Battlefield 2 | Company of Heroes

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    More importantly, what were the numbers for Q4 2008?

    So is the view that the sell through on 360 is much higher? Because for shipped to make much difference it would require PS3 to have far more units on shelves waiting to be sold vs 360.

    Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...